Saturday, June 30, 2007

Purse draw

There can only be one winner....because if I mail out 31 purses my household budget will be blown-and my family have this extremely unreasonable requirement to eat!

I have heaps of great pics to share but such a hard day today-A shrek 3 birthday party at the movies and and going out for tea the unfortunate aftermath of World war 2, sorry, a 7 year old birthday party, that doesn't seem to have magically tidied itself since I collapsed into bed last night. So pics can wait until later....

After printing out 15 pages of comments (who said we weren't passionate about quilt shops!) the lucky commenter is Anne Bebbington at Quilting Bebbs. Drop me an email ,Anne and the purse will be off to England. I sold more yesterday, real money!

Got a fabulous email , with photos of what would happen if women ruled the World. I will share more in coming posts but I thought all you computer girls would see the advantages of this little mouse,

Cheers, Tracey


  1. Well you've been busy Tracey - I can hardly keep up!

    Love your blue and yellow top - very classic.

    And the boys must have been loving those tractors!

  2. Congratulations to Anne!! Love the mouse, you'll have to be careful the cat doesn't get THAT one...*VBS* Hugs, Finn


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!