Thursday, June 28, 2007

Keep those comments coming!
Lots of fabulous feedback and some great ideas coming re:Local Quilt shops post.
Purse is only drawn tomorrow so keep the comments coming. Please feel free to link it to your local shop and encourage them to borrow the ideas,
I have to run, a round robin due for quilters, another block to get in the mail and 20 kids here tomorrow for a bonfire birthday party for DS, pray for me that it doesn't rain-14 boys and 6 girls in the house for 3 1/2 hours-arggh!!!
Cheers, Tracey
ps, I don't want to open a quilt shop, you are all far too far away to shop there-- and it would cut into my sewing time! Also the Quilt shop I use is fine, I just feel that a lot of these ideas would really make it a place we all have to visit on a regular basis.


  1. Um, that many kids at your house? I will pray for clear skies and good weather -- you need it!

  2. Hi Tracey, great post are right on target. I'd love to see everyquilt shop left on the earth get a copy of that!! You go girl! Hugs, Finn

  3. Good luck with the birthday bbq DD1 wants to do this for hers on Friday 20th July - we're praying for sunshine as we have a cream carpet in the lounge - nuff said!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!