Thursday, July 05, 2007

Someone, please send Ark!!!
Isn't life funny, for almost 8 months we watched our livelihood fry and now we watch all our crops rapidly submerge! We couldn't sleep at all last night from the howling winds and steady pouring of rain, we had a couple of inches apparently! At 5.30 am we were saying, well, what does it matter, at least DD seems to be on the improve again. My brave husband is setting off in the motorbike to go and shift ewes and lambs to higher ground, I'll just have to help with the ute when he gets them out the paddock...thank goodness for small mercies because it is pouring!

Had quilters last night, we were all too exhausted on Friday so we changed it to last night, it was great, we could all be there and exchange our round robins. Only one more round, we are doing the unveiling at our quilt retreat in August.
I took the camera to share what some of the girls are doing, didn't think you would mind and they didn't!

This is Chris' crazy patchwork with silks she bought back from India on her last trip. It is her first go at Crazy patchwork, she does lovely quilts in traditional colours and did an excellent one of the mountains of Nepal, I will have to get a photo of that for you. She is currently working on embellishing this, I might get some closer pics in daylight at retreat.

This is Robyn's sampler, we were at her home. We did this for a play when the group first got going, I love the colours and the great border.

This is Robyn's rounds of friendship that she has been handquilting for a year or two, (she studies Arts, helps her DH run a farm, teaches and runs 3 kids as well!!!) I took it upside down and have turned it for you. This was the last group Round Robin, I was just starting out and the Flying geese were my contribution. The cross hatching is less than an inch, I took close-ups but will have to try again in natural light for you.

Here is how I spent the evening.
Start with one big container of Op Shop shirts, spend the next 6 hours cutting them up and the result is.....

This new neatly organized container of 4 pieces of each colour, folded and ready to cut into strips prior to our quilt retreat where i will see how many tops I can turn them into.

Only got home from quilters at 2 am, DH laughingly asked if I was seeing another man. No, I'm not sure I would be enthusiatic enough to let another man keep me up until 2 am, but quilters and cutting up shirts....well that's a whole other story!

Quilting bebbs needs to pick her Moda purse from those pictured above and email me please. I have had a few emails about these purses, yes, I will sell/ swap them; in Australia one will cost you a Moda-ish fat quarter and a stamp, overseas I will post one for two Moda-ish fat quarters. That is by far the easiest way!
Have a great day, and 4th of July to all of you US readers.


  1. They r gorgeous quilts tracey!!! cant wait to see what u do with the scraps and i hope the rain eases up for u, the weather is just awful at the moment!!

  2. Oh dear - all that rain! Hope it stops soon and doesn't cause too much heartache and damage. What is up with the rain all over the globe at the moment!

    PS : A lovely letter arrived today - thank you. We'll have reply back in the mail by Saturday morning.

  3. It feels like it hasn't stopped raining here for weeks - I can't pick my raspberries and there wouldn be no English strawberries in the shops if it weren't for polytunnels. I do like your box of shirts, though.

  4. we have not had rain since the weekend but it is still a quagmire here....ducks will love see that we were so dry and now it is soooo wet....our country side is a carpet of green.....sounds like the quilt night was great can't wait to see what you make at the the other girls work.......

  5. Wouldn't it be nice if you could get some *balance* in the weather! I hope the rain stops and there are crops left!

    I'm with you - for quilting, yes, for reading, yes, for another man, no. Probably not for this man! LOL!

    I'd love to have one of the little zippy bags - don't even care which one. Give me a color and next time I go to the quilt shop in Hettinger I'll get some FQs for you - or would you rather have half a yard of one? I'll need an addy, too.

  6. BTW, I just found out the other day that we can buy stamps here that you can use to mail things to us from over there. I was so surprised! There's one used in Canada and Mexico, and a different one for the other parts of the world.

  7. When you've finished with that Ark, send it up the highway will you! LOL Boy oh boy it has rained and rained and I got soaked whilst struggling with the gate tonight when I came home. Hubby has gone camping, would you believe?!?!?! but it's apparently dry at the moment where he is, so it was either sit in the car all night or get soaked opening the gates. grrrrrrr.

    My goodness you've gotten a lot of strips from the shirts, well done.

  8. Hello to another victorian.......If you are looking for the Ark we have it here at the moment and it is in good use! as we are renovating and have all the lovely things that go with it.....rain,snow, mud, men, dirty boots, lookf of horror on their faces when I chase them with the broom! :)
    So the ark is here I have loaded the chooks and the blue healer now If I could only just drag the hubby on we will float away!!!!!

    I truly loved every word on your blog and will be back to say hello again soon.

  9. We are having rain too - and snow up in the ranges! Glad you're tucked up safely inside. LOL at DH thinking a man was more interesting than a bunch of quilters!

  10. Thanks for sharing your evening. I'm hoping the weather will settle soon for you guys. It's just been so crazy! Stay dry!

  11. Weather seems to be messed up all over the globe. I wonder if we'll ever get back to normal.

  12. What beautiful quilts -- tell your friends they have admirers! I'd send an ark if I could, but honestly, not sure where to find Gopher wood around here. :0)

  13. Hope the rain eases up for you very soon!

    Love your new fabric from the op-shop shirts, and the bags and quilts are lovely.

  14. What a fun evening with your quilter friends - and a good show and tell for us in the bargain *s*
    I do hope the rain lets up on you some . . .we could use a little here. We've had the first rumblings of using caution to conserve water. It will get louder as the heat of summer continues.

  15. It's the summer here and rain is hit and miss as well. I'm torn between wanting to water the yard and not wanting to mow so much! The grass survives either way. We don't have crops. Those quilts are great. We had our big unveiling party, it was lots of fun.


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