Monday, July 16, 2007

Country meets city
Now here is a standard day in our life; sheep, sheep and more sheep....

(spot the little black one)

Then a little change of pace, a few photos from our recent city holiday.

This is the banner at the Australian Rules Football game we went to, between my team, Essendon and the rest of my family's team, Geelong.

James Hird has been my football playing hero since the early 90's, this was his 250th game in his swansong year so i was very excited.

Running through the banner (told you I was excited....)

..warming up earlier on the ground... (did I mention i am a little partial to him? there are about 20 more of these on the camera!)... I then have another picture I am not sharing, that is of him sitting on the sidelines from the 2nd quarter, having badly injured his calf muscle-I was no longer excited, especially as that was about the time the geelong team began to get dominant and the crowd sitting around us started to feel sorry for the lone Essendon supporter in the family!

My girl with her blue and white painted face, very pleased with the result.

Walking back across the Yarra to our hotel at Southbank.

Had to cut through the casino food court to get to our Hotel.... I just took a pic for you, can you see the middle right cake with the toffee on it?Yummo! There were at least triple this many but Dh said if you are going to keep ogling the cakes and taking pictures like a tourist, then for goodness sake eat one! So I put the camera away like a good wife.

The next morning saw us off to the aquarium, DD had to take her baby as well......

same bridge.

It's a fabulous aquarium, you can even swim with sharks, never actually opted for that, but DD tried to kiss a fish that would look even better in a pan!

As would these crabs! Yum, love crab.

Watched the shark feeding, would rather the divers than me! The stingrays were the most annoying, sitting on the divers heads.

I have had a very hard day today, kids are back at school tomorrow so we had a PJ marathon of Gilligan's Island, MacGyver and The Three Amigos. I am starting to get excited, the coast is looking good for some schooling time for both kids, 18 hours from now I may have my first childfree day since the 6th of May! But who is counting, prepare for major patchwork happenings! (that's if I am game to make a plan!)Cheers, Tracey


  1. Not that I follow the footy but I can't help myself............
    Yahoo 10 in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;-)

    Sounds like you had a great time :-)

  2. Sorry - have never had Aussie rules football explained to me - is it like soccer or fugby or something entirely different. Looks like you had a fun time and great to see DD well enough to enjoy it!

  3. excuse me but that should read rugby not fugby - my DD would never forgive me for getting that wrong!

  4. You're making me nostalgic for my time in Melbourne... sympathies for your loss, as a Dockers supporter I know that losing feeling...

  5. How brave of you to put the camera away . . . I would have kept oggling and then tasting, too *s* Looks like a fun trip for everyone. Enjoy your child-free time *s*

  6. Great photos! Looks like you had fun! You didn't even get ONE piece of cake? Gee, you're good!

  7. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. I will be hoping you get your child free quilty time as well! Love DNs little cot quilt. As for cheeky, brazen little two year olds -- hmmn...I have one if you would like to borrow her :0).

  8. Now that's what I call a country traffic jam!!

    Your pics of your trip to the city are fabulous. That aquarium is super! NOt a big rugby fan, just don't get it. now baseball that's another story.

    hope your quilting time is right around the corner

  9. You have the neatest life!! I am coming over right now for some peace and a cuppa!!

  10. Sounds absolutely fabulous. But Tracey Tracey Tracey. I despaired as I read about your lusting over Essendon. ESSENDON?!?!??!!??!?!? And then I realized there was hope when I see your daughter barracks for THE MIGHTY CATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Glad you got a good perve at James Hird, Tracey. He is rather nice.


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