Saturday, July 14, 2007

Cot quilt and odd pets!

Here is my contribution to the current cot quilt craze, made for my DN who I babysat yesterday. It is completely made from one of my recent scrap bag purchases and there is still plenty left in the bag., embroidered with her name, it has a little matching pillow.

The hexagons filled in some car time during the last car trip to Melbourne, I am also working on another hexagon project but School holidays are impinging upon my time.-how rude!

I am doing lots of Mum things like bike riding with the kids and will have to wait until Tuesday to really get creative again. Today we all cleaned their rooms ready for a new start, wow, did that take some time!

This is DN, taken yesterday, she is showing me her hairclip, at 2 she finally has just eniough hair for her optimistic mother to clip! Isn't that face one that just makes you want to sew quilts for her!!! And she is a cheeky, chatty little rascal as well, who knows how to kiss you and twist you around her finger!......she had me at hello!

And finally, one for the cat lovers (of which I am not sure I am still one!!!)
Here are 2 of the 3 cats (yes, 3, I really have to give this story it's own post at a later date!!) and their chook who sleeps with them in the cubby and lives on cat food! Excuse the dirty window, if I open the door they bolt inside so I can only get a pic at a glassed distance. Now, I know I promised publicly that these would not go outside but they are driving me stark raving crazy...I would prefer another baby to the younger two always inside, -and that is saying something! They are the neediest and naughtiest cats on the planet and WILL NOT GET OFF MY BENCHES AND TABLES!!!! In the past week they have broken 2 wedding presents pieces of crockery that I actually liked and therefore used!! The kids smuggle them around like contraband, especially since the handmade pottery incident!!!
And then wait until I get you a pic of the relationship between Archie the dog and the black cat...........why do I always get the odd pets??!!! Cheers, off for DH quality time, Tracey


  1. What a cutie your little niece is. My girl was a baldy, too. By the time she started school and still hadn't had a real haircut, I feared she might never have a full head of hair. Should not have worried for a moment . . . when her hair decided to grow - grow it did. Now she has a thick head of beautiful, natural curls - enough for 3 girls. It's just all in the waiting *s*

  2. Lovely cot quilt...and good idea on making the matching pillow too.

    Loving the photo of the two cats with their chook friend - now that's a first!

  3. A very sweet quilt Tracey and ,lovely fabrics.

  4. I have never head of a chicken who lived with cats and ate their food. (but remember I'm a city girl through and through)
    Your cats sound like real rascals!

  5. What a cutie ur niece is!!! bet she loves her quilt....i love the colours u pretty and girlie!!! great job....odd friendship, cats and a chicken but hey if they r

  6. She's adorable, and so is the quiltlet you made for her.

    I can't believe the chicken and the cats are so friendly! LOL! You need a mud porch to lock them on.

  7. Oh I can't believe you - making the kitties live outside. Meanie. although the chicken that thinks it's a cat would be lonely without them...


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