Thursday, July 12, 2007

Just a quick post this morning. I am feeding an extra 5 men who are here today working with sheep so no time to chat!
Just an update on DD's "scopes" yesterday at the Children's hospital. we left by 5.30 am and were home at 7 pm, absolutely exhausted. She did a great job and everything looked good (we even have pics for Show and Tell!) they biopsied everywhere and took more bloods so all that should be back in a week. Doctors reckon it is looking like a really bad dose of Irritable bowel and may take 18 months to come right-so we are half way there!!! On lots of Lactobacillus type powder and a few other powders to keep everything working, hopefully she will continue to improve.
Bit of stitching in the car, this-

got to a new stage but I will wait to show you the finished product, Cheers, tracey


  1. That sounds like good news indeed!
    Glad all went well.

  2. It's just as hard on "Mommas' as the patient. Hope you get goood news.

  3. Sounds like very good news. Glad you are back safely.

  4. Glad to hear that your news is good.

  5. Good to be able to label the problem and find a cure for it! Poor thing, she sounds like a trooper. I don't know whtat I'd do well with what you described!

    Your hexes look good. I like the color arrangement.

  6. Great news about your daughter! Here's hoping for continued improvement. Love that Grandmother's flower.

  7. Sounds like great news - I bet you were all happy to hear it *s*

  8. Hi Tracey, so good that it sounds like it can be gotten 'on top' of, with time and medication.
    Have to say I read my way down to the boys and girls parties...LOL and I do love the sheep pictures. You did good!! Even the black lamb..*VBS*
    Love the Op Shop shirts, some great colors there, as there are also in your quilt shop purchases. Great yellow, and good book finds!
    Keep your chin up, hopefully you'll have some time to sew. Hugs, Finn

  9. What a long day, but it sounds like you're getting somewhere Tracey!

    I couldn't stitch in the car (would get car sick), so I am envious!

  10. That's good news! thanks for sharing!

  11. Thank goodness it is something that she and you can deal with!!!

    Love your close-up. Hand dyeds?

  12. IBS is a real pain in the belly - literally and metaphorically - glad you're making progress


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