Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First day for 9 weeks without children...Take Two!

As your are by now well aware, planning is not always my best option; remember in October when I started blogging because I had my new sewing room and the quilts were going to flow thick and fast...and that's about when DD started her tummy problems and I have been generally stuck in the house drinking coffee, eating choc and feeling sorry for myself ever since (with short periods of sewing freedom in the middle of the night!) Then remember that great day a few months ago, had the whole house clean by 8.30 am, just boiling the pot of coffee to take to the sewing room for the day when i got the phone call that DS hadn't even made it to school, had injured himself on the bus, straight to emergency room... and then when I told you all the quilts that were to be made after the school fete...and I had to work for 2 weeks instead.

Well, you know how yesterday was my first day with the kids gone, well DS on Monday night took exception to his sister bossing him around while cleaning the loungeroom and punched her in the back of the neck. Now, he is sorry, "I am ashamed of myself Mum, now stop giving me THAT look and lets just forget about it". "THAT" look spoke could you hit her and make her sick when I was SOOO Close to free!!!
She was dizzy, headachey and sick in the stomach, watched her for an hour or two, put her to bed and woke no better. So she missed going on the bus but I managed to get her to school by 10.30 am, thought I was right, just got over to the sewing room about 1.15, managed to cut up a few shirts into strips for a play, then School rang..... Needless to say , back to town, straight to the chiropractor who fixed her straight up and back to where we all started-
Today, I have no children, my house is tidy and what has the universe told me this sewing machine is making an apalling noise and DH says if it was a tractor he would say it's done a bearing!!! I'm going to see if MIL will lend me hers, but am also going to accept the signs...tidy the sewing room and do that officework that is weighing upon my shoulders...that exciting and oh so tempting box of shirts isn't going anywhere! And hopefully neither am I !

Oh, sharing the zoo component of the holiday with you today, love these girls, fantastic new enclosure, set out like an extended rainforest.

And no , I don't just like them because the make me feel thin...
And all on grass and hay,

Keeper checking for chocolate, your hips can't get that big without it, surely!
Nah, just hay.

The entrance to the underwater seal view looked very "quilty" to me.

Love this chimp's hand, he was playing peek aboo with us behind the hessian.

And these two are doing what they do best.

Last but not least, Sweet P has challenged me to "Pay it Forward". The first 3 whose comment/email tells me they are "in" will receive a gift from me (in the near future). The catch is that you must be prepared to continue the random acts of kindness to your own 3 bloggers, she also has a stitchery swap happening if you want in. have a great day, Tracey


  1. Sometimes life has a way of getting in the way of what we want to do doesn't it.

  2. Tracey it sounds like my life at the moment!

    I had a work meeting at the Melbourne Zoo back in March and can't wait to get back to see it as a tourist after Christmas - it looks magical. Glad you had a great visit there too!

  3. You're poor girl!! Hope shes feeling better today. Sometimes that testosterone gets the better of our boys and they just pop. Come on over for a cuppa and we can talk about the little boogers!!

  4. Well, your story of the constant interruptions was very entertaining. I hope you eventually make it into your sewing room for some quality time. You will when they are in their 20s, and that'll be here before you know it. Hey, count me in for the Pay It Forward thing. I think I understand the rules. Sounds fun!

  5. Oh my, I'm so sorry about the interruptions and I hope your machine just needs a good cleaning! And here's to hoping that these are the LAST of the interruptions for awhile!

    Thanks for the zoo pictures, and the reminder that dh and I NEED to take dd to the zoo soon!

  6. I'm sorry your DD got wacked by her brother .... did you manage to get them BOTH to school for Thursday and Friday? I hope so! Nice zoo pictures.


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