Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trip away
Okay so the photo uploading component of blogger has now gone on strike so this fabulously exciting weeded roundabout looks like it is it!

Well, it actually is quite exciting because it is done, one chore down! My boy and I had a lovely afternoon on this. The dog chased a mouse the entire time and managed to squash anything that was good and dig a huge hole under one of those rocks. I am a great believer in making stuff out of scraps so i proceeded to plant succulents in the hole!!

Oh, we've decided to work again so here are the new succulents!

Melbourne was fine, slight meltdown by the girl when she found out that she had to have a general (probably in the next month) to put the camera in and have a good old look round...but the gift shop seemed to calm her down!
I didn't get any fabric shopping in, just a good lot of organizing shopping, have been busily organizing drawers since I got back. DD has been very miserable, I think the trip wore her out.
I am having a day off today, about to head off to port Fairy with my friend Robyn...officially to organize the accommodation for Quilter's retreat in August but I'm working on that taking 15 minutes, then shop, lunch and massage???
I might take the camera and do the "hey I have a blog and people want to know about Port Fairy" thing!
Cheers, Tracey


Anonymous said...

Sorry your dd isn't feeling well. Hope yopu have a blast on your day out, and yes please loads of photo's are definately in order.

Leigh said...

I hope your daughter picks up soon. She is having a rough time of it.
Ooh, lovely patchwork shop at Port Fairy, have fun!

Doodlebug Gail said...

Oh yes - photo's will be good! You've done a lot of work in your weed patch - isn't it nice to have it all neat and cleaned out? Enjoy your day out.

Jenni said...

Good to see that your daughter will be having some investigations. When is the trip to the footy?

Lily Mulholland said...

And there I was thinking you were in Gippsland! If you're going to Port Fairy for the day, I'm guessing not!

Glad you enjoyed Melbourne. Sorry DD got a shock. Hope she's over it soon!

Melanie said...

Great landscaping...

Susie said...

So sorry your daughter is still feeling unwell.
Although no one likes the idea of another procedure, perhaps they'll be able to determine what's going on?
My prayers are with you.

atet said...

Hope your dd is feeling better soon -- and I wanna see the pictures! :0)