Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The angels are warming up....

A few weeks ago, when I wasn't coping well with DD's moaning and pains, especially being woken with them, I suggested that instead of telling me she felt bad and sick all the time, perhaps we could try something like "the angels are singing today' or, the more common, 'the angels aren't singing today.'

She has embraced this and my daily reports sound much nicer.
Today I was able to go for a walk and I decided that those Angels may not be singing the Hallelujah Chorus just yet but I can faintly hear them warming up in the wings!
The blood tests have all come back fine so there are no nasties that may have been brewing since last November. I didn't think I was terribly worried about this but 3 people I know have vividly died in my dreams in the 3 nights preceding the results. One was a 2 year old child of a friend, who I was in charge of and drowned in the bath! I woke in a cold sweat and rang her first thing in the morning to tell her not to trust his big sister to watch him in the bath!
Anyway last night's sleep was blissfully death free and today I actually took a walk and wondered why I don't manage it more. It was a sunny winter's morning after rain and I remembered how much my head clears and my perspective improves during a walk. It used to be when I made all my financial decisions-when I could see the forest from the trees! Today I planned quilts and the Bible Study I had to lead at Ladies fellowship.
My head was so cleared that I finished the hot pink floral when I got back, DD was busy making pancakes which is hopefully another indicator that she is improving, so I got to go to the sewing room.
I thought I would let the other improver show you the completed quilt. (Actually trying to eat it I think!)
'Thistle' the lamb, after a week of what seemed like a permanent neurological disorder, has decided to retain his feet and his balance and is now walking again. He is living proof that there is still room for Charlotte's web farming...and If I wanted to get political, which I don't, he is also proof that we should never give up on our lesser abled in general. (Thistle is on the left. Check out those wrinkles on Spring!Far right)

They were so excited about the quilt, look at the little tail going crazy on Spring!
I worked out that this whole quilt cost me less than $10! Fabulous old fashioned quilting. I wonder what the owner of that skirt would say if she saw it now, or the donator of the bedspread on the back! A good reminder that our trash can be very useful as someone else's treasure.
On that note I will upload you two more pictures.-
Thses are my latest op shop purchases. I had DD at school for an hour and felt like retail therapy that wouldn't blow the budget. Look what I found.
Mint condition butter coloured chenille. (2) I shared one out at Quilters on Friday night, it's thick and perfect. The two plaids are a huge green never used cotton lounge cover. Looks like you could back 2 single quilts with it. The blue is another barely used couch cover, lovely and bright.
The last photo is of a piece of some kind of woollen material, yell out if you have seen it before. It reminded me of a quilt, so I bought it, but am fascinated to know what it's meant to be!
Probably half a metre x nearly a metre long.

So things are going along ok here, I think I may be getting my mo-jo back (apologies to Austin Powers and please don't tell me that has different connotations in the US!!!) and hopefully DD is close to a bit of School. Thanks for the lovely comments, Cheers, Tracey


Unknown said...

glad to see things seem to be improving - lets hope its the promise of more to come

Lily Mulholland said...

Yeah baby! Glad to see you're getting your mojo back Tracey :)

Love the bright pink creation - and what a great setting for showing it off! Great thrifting there. I can only imagine what the original skirt was like!

Chookyblue...... said...

pleased to here things are looking up and hopefully your little girl is back at school very soon.... your lambs have grown. Ours start lambing next week....I don't really want any poddies...although the kids will want one or more.....the quilt looks great good investment.........

Tonya Ricucci said...

glad your daughter doesn't have any nasties and oh my those lambies are cute.

Joyce said...

Glad to hear that things are getting back to normal. The lambs are sooo cute!

Melanie said...

Great purchases - I love a bargin --a quilt for $10....

Doodlebug Gail said...

It is good to read that the blood tests had good results. Love the new quilt and those photo's of the lambs with it are so darn cute! I shall show my DD when she comes home from school.

Anonymous said...

Tracey that is encouraging news and I'm sure a relief for you. Your pink creation is adorable and what a terrific photo setting. Great thrifting, but I have no idea what your final item is.

Angie said...

How absolutely adorable!!! those little critters are with that quilt!!! :D

McIrish Annie said...

Tracey, I'm happy to hear that your dd and your sleep is improving.! I haven't commented lately but I have been lurking in the wings> love the lambies and the pink quilt. You gals down under are really teaching us a thing or two about recycling gorgeous fabric. I've put a couple of old skirts aside with the same idea!

Libby said...

Isn't great that just a little change in outlook can really make a situation better. Those angels really are out there *s*

Leigh said...

I am pleased for you that things are looking up. Great photos :-)

Sweet P said...

What a great way for your daughter to tell you how she is feeling. Your pink quilt is adorable.

Jenni said...

I'm glad your daughter is a little better, and also Thistle, who looks bigger than his sister. So cute...

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

I'm so glad your DD is doing better. I'm sending some prayers your way and some good wishes!!
I love the quilt you posted!!! It's gorgeous! Also glad to see you got in a walk...I turned down ice cream today...little victories my friend!! :)
Have a wonderful week. I've got to work only a couple of more days and then summer break! I can't wait. I've been looking through all my quilt books to see what project I want to tackle next.

Carol said...

Beautiful beautiful quilt, the bright pink is fabulous and love the photo with the lambs.

As for your daughter, cross fingers that things are starting to get better.

Susie said...

Love your quilt and glad to hear that your walk cleared your head!
Isn't that wonderful news about your DD and about Thistle too!