Tuesday, June 26, 2007

As you get older friends don't drop into your lap quite the same as they may once have.

Finding good ones isn't always easy ("imaginary' blogging friends excluded here of course!) About 4 years ago, when my girl was in Kinder, there was this other mother who I really liked, I didn't see much of her but had the feeling we may be kindred spirits if given the chance. Turns out I saw her there for a few months and was just starting to think the tops she was wearing made her look pregnant, when sure enough, I found out she was having a baby.
Now quilts don't normally get made for babies of people I don't know all that well,they may get a bag, a spit blanket,or a name blanket with gingham edging but I enthusiastically threw myself into the task of a quilt and delivered it. You can imagine my surprise when she told me that she made quilts as well! You see, I did know a Kindred spirit!
Our children went on to the same school and all get on very well, we've shared many coffees, swimming lessons, sewing times -and even another baby on her behalf, but now she and her family are relocating to Western Australia.
It all seems to have happened very quickly and suddenly (late yesterday) it was upon me and I hadn't thought of a suitable going away present. They will be renting and have been having a huge clean out so I don't want to add to the shift with unnecessary stuff but I wanted to do something special.
After she had her last baby she gave me this lovely card, that has remained on my mantle.

I thought that surely I could do something with this, so I trimmed and scanned, then printed it onto a prepared calico printing sheet. I then had a good old play around and came up with this

And here is another view....

It's a quilted carry-all that sits under your sewing machine. This one is my idea but I am sure I must have seen one once to have got the general implant in my brain!

If you then fold it in half the tools don't fall out and you can roll it up and take it with you, I sewed a hook of elastic on one side that keeps it altogether. I can give better instructions if anyone wants them.
I'm planning on one for me now, I love the "organizedness" of it, and that my pins can be stuck in the whole quilted surface in front of the machine. You could really make them nice if you had time to plan rather than just sew!
Must run, I have 30 minutes to wrap it, get myself nice and get to their farewell!

The shortest day's sunrise over the mountains


Leigh said...

That's a fantastic idea. She will love it for sure!

Doodlebug Gail said...

What a great idea and I'm sure she is going to love it. As I was reading and saw the card I thought you were going to turn it into a piece of stitchery .....

Anonymous said...

What a clever little duck you are, I thought the same as doodlebug gail, a stitchery. I'm sure your friend will appreciate it for it's usefulness your thoughfulness that went into it and the fact that it isn't going to take a whole box to pack it into.

atet said...

What a great idea -- and a fantastic gift to a dear friend. Even with distance, it is possible for those kinds of friendships to thrive (says the woman whose best quilting friend moved across a continent 5 years ago).

Unknown said...

A lovely idea and a very special useful gift for a dear friend - she's a very lucky girl. The world is a much smaller place and people shift around so much more than they ever did, it's always a disappointment if a good friend moves away I'm sure you'll both miss each other but at least we now have the internet to keep in touch easily

Anne Ida said...

That is a wonderful gift, Tracey! I'm sure your friend will apreciate it! Will you share a tutorial on how to make it when you make one for yourself??? Please! :o)

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

That's a wonderful gift!! I am sure she will appreciate it.

Susie said...

Love the "friends" saying. You've created a perfect keepsake for her.
I'm sure you'll miss her.

Libby said...

Such a great way to preserve your card. Always hang on to the good friends - they make life special.

Susan said...

That's wonderful! It's so personalized, and meaningful, just between the two of you. I know you will miss her!