Saturday, June 09, 2007

Getting sorted.

DH is getting seriously worried! The bedroom is covered with every paper and box that had been dumped in the office and he has seen me sorting through individual files! I'm getting through so much that soon the floor is going to be able to be seen, and then the only clutter will be the books I got from the Library, 'Let go of Clutter' and 'I hate filing' to provide the impetus. (Oh, and the Stephanie Laurens historical romance because a girl needs rewards!)

Another reward system I am using today is not Aero bars, (because I have a little Cyber fitness challenge going with another blogger and there is fabric involved for prizes) but allowing myself time to read and comment on one blog after each pile is organized! Much less fattening!

The big reward should be a few hours in the sewing room this afternoon, so I will run now and come back in an hour or two with progress! (Hmmm, haven't got to the sewing room yet but have started on the office drawers!)

Here is a pic of DN from yesterday, I was right away from her, as she doesn't really like her pic taken, and thought it came up ok.

Above is another interesting op shop find this week. It is a wool felted hat, and just my colours. I have no intention of wearing it, i am going to cut it up and use it in something, I see lovely flowers! I do a bit of wool felting and can see that this took a lot of effort, just a pity it is so not me when put on my head! have a great weekend, we are on Queen's birthday holiday here so a long weekend. Tracey


  1. I see you found the macro setting :)

    I have really enjoyed playing with my digi SLR, as you will have seen from my blog!

    I hate filing too. We tend to let ours build up over 12 months and then have a filing frenzy.

    Today was spent packing away most of Romily's size 1 clothes. Very sentimental and I so hope that when it comes time for number two that it's a girl - there are so many clothes!

  2. Tracey, what fabbo pictures. The one of your niece is perfect, the way the sun is on her face. Ahhh the zoom, know it well, that's the only way I can get pics of my step son who is way camera shy!!! Plus I love the look, crisp clear subject with the blurry background.

  3. That baby photo is beautiful - the lighting is wonderful - that new camera has certainly brought out the David Bailey in you :o) How's your daughter's tummy doing?

  4. LOL - you found the macro button! You're having way too much fun with that camera - what a gorgeous photo of your niece.

    I'm also "getting rid of paper" right now ..... I can't believe I still have bills from when we lived in Texas (7 years ago!)

    How is DD doing? She's in my thoughts.

  5. Your pictures are coming out wonderful! I"m still trying to figure all my setting out!

  6. You're turning into a pro with that new camera of yours. Fun and addicting, isn't it?? I so wish I could focus myself to get rid of clutter as well. We try to go through our files every year on New Year's Day, but I have skipped a couple of years in lieu of sewing... so much more fun!

  7. sounds like you're having a lot of fun with your new camera. Enjoy the long weekend. Hope your daughter is doing well.

  8. Great finds! and your new camera sounds like such fun to play with!

    I've been absolutely awful this week about keeping up with blogs. I am so glad to hear dd is feeling better -- let's hope it continues. And while we're at it -- let's hear it for the mo-jo and for hot pink quilts that cost under $10 and look absolutely FANTASTIC!!! WOO HOO!

  9. Looks like you are learning to use that camera! You are really cleaning up around there. Cute little baby!


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