Monday, June 11, 2007

Had a great laugh netsurfing this morning
-hadn't had a 'coffee' with Kim for a few days so I had a little bit of catching up to do. (Obviously "K" is a long way alphabetically down my favourites and I never got that far during my rewards for eliminating piles of clutter)
I quite often think the same as Kim but I really agreed with her today.
She had been tagged for a '5 Things To do' list meme. To say that she slightly changed the emphasis would be putting it mildly! Click on her name for the link but I will add my part by saying that I would swap Hugh Grant from 5 up to 2, other than that we are in complete agreement!

A month or two ago Kim queried who we would iron our sheets for, once again George Clooney was number 1. I even suggested I would iron my stomach flat for him!
Now all of this is of course purely hypothetical, both Kim and I are married to precious gorgeous men who cope beautifully with quilting purcheses, quilting talk, quilting groups and just quilting in general. Imagine trying to train another one into that way of thinking...or any of our ways of thinking !! How would George or Hugh cope when we turned up on their arm at the Cannes Film festival with our little black dresses covered with white quilting thread...and when they took us to Paris fashion week we would be looking for outfits made of cotton so we could cut them up later!

No, even though George needs to settle down and transfer the genetics for those eyes and THAT naughty little smile, and Hugh needs someone to make overcoming his fear of commitment worthwhile....alas, I cannot volunteer! I think I will still sleep perfectly well tonight on that decision -but have I really been fair to them!?!

Speaking of ironing my tummy flat-I have actually discovered that I have some stomach muscles. In the spirit of health, fitness and organisation I am currently on, I have done Pilates TWO whole times in the last 3 days-and doesn't my abdomen know it! The hard thing will be doing it again tonight and not getting put off and out of the mood.
Need to run now, I'm cleaning out more cupboards and expected to cook an evening meal (how rude.) I would love a comment on the To do list-or who you may iron your tummy flat for !!! Tracey


  1. You're so funny, Tracey! LOL! While we might not trade out husbands in, we aren't DEAD yet and can dream! LOL! Love your new camera, by the way--looking forward to even better photos of the ranch.

  2. Tracey - you made me laugh out loud with your comment about ironing your stomach flat - as for me I'd need an industrial pressing machine like you get in a dry-cleaners!!! And as for Hugh or George well I'm afraid it would have to be Kevin Costner naked in the waterfall in 'Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves' for me! Right I'm off for a cold shower after that pleasant interlude.

  3. Your to-do list is not bad at all! Mine would put Johnny Depp on the first place and Sean Connery (when he was younger, remember the James Bond when he was at the swimming pool wearing that ridiculous pastell blue bath shortie overall?!) Like you I am very happy with what I got though. I would not want to change my DH for anything in the world. Wonder if I could get him a blue shortie overall?! Take care.

  4. Well it certainly wouldn't be Hugh Grant. Could definitely be Denzel Washington though, those dreamy eyes of his......droooooooolllll.....that voice....oooohhhhh.......aaahhhhhh.......

  5. Oh Tracey, you needed a warning label on that post, I laughed right from my belly. Hmmmmm I'd iron my sheets for John Travolta I think. Or Clint Eastwood (shocking I know! but I have a thing for him in his Dirty Harry days). Come to think of it, maybe he'd need to iron his stomach now!!!

  6. Laughing is as good for the abs as crunches so thanks for that!

  7. Ahhh you are right on so many levels. But at the end of the day - Hubby loves my wrinkly tummy and doesn't complain about unironed sheets *s* Of course, should Johnny Depp wander to my front door, I might dab on a little lip gloss and offer a 'come hither' look *s*

  8. When George is done with your sheets... I have a stack for him too!

  9. You are sooo funny! I needed the laugh!

  10. Did you ever see the movie Tristan and Isolde?? I would soooo iron my tummy flat for the guy who plays Tristan!!
    And you have tummy muscles?? You are now my hero! The kiddos have their last day of school this week so starting next week I am heading to the gym!
    Viva la skinniness!
    p.s. I think my email should show now. :)

  11. I read and loved Kim's post as well. As I told her -- my list is very similar but I would HAVE to include Orlando Bloom somewhere. What can I say? I'm a sucker for cheekbones.

    Same goes for who I would iron my stomach for!


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