Friday, June 08, 2007

The paparazzi have arrived....

-and just about mastered the software, how to email, how to up and down load and almost how to take perfect close-ups..... so the quilts, chooks, lambs, plants and children on this farm should be very afraid!

Think I had better read that manual!! But definitely getting close, where's the Macro button!

DH was sick of it 15 minutes after it arrived-"stop taking my photo!" he demanded in his best celebrity style! Note how I didn't say his best Paris hilton style. She never says no to a photo, ...(and how about a little aside-I, too would have a nervie in jail, Paris....I can't even bear to watch Prison Break, let alone be in there, therefore I am very careful that I pay my registration and DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!Because the rules apply to both rich and poor. )

I am very hard at work at present...I have spent hours on the camera and occasionally throwing around food or drink as my kids have report writing day and my sister's littlies are here as well. I think I may need a lie down..."oh DD, get your cousin another drink please...and can you change a nappy?"

The answer to that is unfortunately no, so I had better go and pay some attention to the little darlings. See you soon with some quilting. (The Mo-jo is definitely back, I stayed up until midnight and cleaned all the clutter off my benches and cleaned all the kitchen cupboards out last night-the revamp is on!) tracey


  1. Hooray! Yes, I have been known to take over 300 photos in one day with my beloved Canon 400D :)

    Enjoy and so glad to hear your mojo is back (baby!).

  2. Yeah! You sound really really happy - I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your new toy. I hope to have my new Nikon D40x really soon (need to exchange my Visa Rewards points for Gift Certificates first though).

  3. Enjoy your new plaything - the best news is we all benefit from the great photos you'll share *s*


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