Sunday, April 22, 2007

A quiet weekend.
Thank goodness!
Just a quick post to say a big thank you for all the comments and emails about my little family drama. DS has been great and is lapping up all the attention and checking I've told everyone about his head while DD only smiled a day and a half later when my sister bought her kids up for a visit and wont let anyone mention the blood.
We are off for a Paeds check-up with her tomorrow and a hectic few weeks leading up to this School market so the posts may be a little light on, as will the quilting time.
Photo today is of a "quilt for a cure" quilt our group made a few years ago. We all made blocks for a "Quilter's companion" challenge and then offered to put one of the quilts together. This is our blocks and a few others they sent back. You can't see the detail but Robyn and Chris handquilted the cancer ribbon shape in the big cream blocks.
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Pleased to here the kids are well again.
    Like the quilt. Very nice. My kids go back to school tomorrow.

  2. Glad to hear DS is well and you can breathe deep again! The quilt looks wonderful!

  3. I am terribly behind in my blog reading - glad everything is okay *s* The quilt is beautiful.

  4. Glad to hear the kids are getting over their trauma and that life is getting back to its hectic, crazy state. In other words, normal.


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