Friday, April 20, 2007

I am having a Biblical moment today, want to hear why?
At 8.30 am this morning I was very happy with life, after having children home or things on all day, every day for weeks, I had a free day-no obligations, no cooking, house was almost clean, just have my coffee, make a few organisational calls, read my emails and life was my own.........and then the phone rings.....and just like that man in the Bible who planned for the great life he was going to have after building his bigger barn, I got my rude awakening that reminded me my plans are not my own.
Ds had managed to damage himself BEFORE EVEN GETTING TO SCHOOL! He hit his head on a metal part of the School bus, had bled majorly, vomitted, and was at School now miserable. No shower, pull on presentable clothes and off I go. After an hour in Emergency his over half inch hole in his head was superglued back together so we went back to School for Show and Tell. There discovered his sister was a little more than upset, it was more like shock; pale, shivering, teary with a headache, she felt he was going to die and there was so much blood and he only wanted her....and needless to say they are both lying on my couch watching Wonder woman right now and therein went the day! You have to laugh I suppose, so I am including these 2 little fellows to finish up and off to watch him for concussion!


  1. Hope the little chap is feeling better. I feel so sorry for your daughter, it must have been so frightening for her.

  2. Oh, Tracey! I do hope he doesn't have a concussion! - and that he will be up and running in no time! I feel so bad for your daughter as well! Take care!

  3. Ouch, a tough day for all. But there is something comforting about knowing they feel safe at home with mom (or is it mum?) and that while no sewing was getting done, much love was spread.

    Thanks for the smile pic -- it worked, I smiled :-).

  4. Oh bugger. Glad to hear Wonder Woman still makes littlies feel better!

  5. Hope he's feeling better soon!

  6. Scary stuff. Hopefully, he will be feeling better by tomorrow. He must be glad he has a sister he can count on. It says a lot about their relationship.

  7. isn't that the way it is with kids and life - we can make plans but they don't always work out so it is good you can be lighthearted - hope your son heals quickly

  8. Oh, I can remember doing somthing similar when I was a kid. I got off the buses and promptly walked into a metal fence post right in the middle of my forehead.
    I do hope everyone is one the mend least it's the weekend.

    take care.

  9. i hope your son is feeling better

  10. Poor kids! Glad everything turned out okay. God always reminds us who is really in control, huh? :)

  11. If you want to make God laugh tell him about your plans. That is a favorite quote of mine and that was my first thought when I was reading your post. I hope they both get well soon.

  12. Just getting to you at the end of the day and can definitely relate to yours!! The best laid plans of mice and men.... What's a mum to do?? Hope things quiet down soon..

    don't know how you found the time for the bags. I'd have sat in a chair in front of the TV with wine!! LOL

  13. Oh dear - I do hope the young lad is feeling better. What a great pair of kids of you have - I'm sure, like mine, they can fight like the best of them, and yet, when it comes to protecting each other or one getting hurt they band together and somehow get through it all. Hope you had a good supply of ice-cream for them both.

    The smile pic is so cute.

  14. Yipes! With a four and five year old, I've already had my share of days like this. Glad to hear it all turned out well.

  15. Sounds like your children are of one heart they are so close. So sorry you little man had to go through that.
    Sending prayers for a speedy "get well soon!"

  16. Oh sorry to hear about the accident - Isn't it funny they super glue stuff like that back together these days! I hope everyone is feeling better now.

  17. I do hope he is a lot better! Bless your daughter's heart! huggles!

  18. Oh dear - I hope all is well - or getting there any way - by now. How very scary for both of them - I don't know which one had it the worst. I trust there was no concussion - I hope so anyway!

  19. When you look at life from that perspective then your day will be successful, even if it went nothing like you'd planned. Hope your son heals well.

  20. OUCH!!! It's rarely a good thing when you get a call from the school first thing in the morning! I hope everyone is doing well now.


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