Thursday, April 19, 2007

Little plays.

Justifying my existence here at present, with a little cooking for the shearers. Well, they aren't really shearing just cleaning up the sheep prior to lambing. I thought their real title may put you off, are you ready, promise not to laugh....they are crutching! And don't worry if you are saying "What the!" even, local town girls think that job sounds rather odd. Very necessary however, as you would appreciate if you were a little lamb who wanted to be able to instantly located some nice, clean, easily accessible warm milk after birth.

Are we up with how this is done, because they are back again Monday and I could steal some photos. Shearing is a far bigger operation and I cook for 10 -14 . This is only four, but it's 9.30 am hot morning tea, midday, 2 course hot meal and 3 pm sandwiches, cake and biscuits. The short breaks are called "smoko" from the old days when that was the chance for the shearers to get a smoke.

Needless to say between that and everything else I am only getting 15 minute increments in my studio so the bigger projects are on hold. Here are a few of the little things that I have finished.

Little purses from the Moda plastic-coated fabric. These are gifts but i am trying to decide what price I could put on them for stalls, they are lined but not top-stitched this time. Top stitching the plastic stuff with a zip gives me a headache!

The little bag was another play, I make these up in a few minutes with scraps and my op shop pre-quilted bedspreads for the lining. If anyone isn't sure how to do these and wants info. just drop a line. They go to all the little girls I know and will be on our market stall for School. Hard to price them as well.

Speaking of bags, I thought you may like to see some of the ones I have made for DD. Actually, I lie, she made the gingham stripy one when her and a few friends hed a sewing lesson day.

The little one at the front was part of last year's birthday present. My own design, it is round, quilted again with the pre-quilted bedspreads and opens out completely flat with pockets and elastic sections inside for storing Polly Pocket dolls and all their associated belongings. (Guess who got sick of finding bits of Polly pocket stuff everywhere!) being a bag girl myself I would secretly like one of these! But isn't that pretty much how it works with our daughters?-we try to give them everything that we want..and then have to learn to deal with the fact that they have their own needs/wants and lives. Our favourite book will not always be theirs, they will not always want to sew...........

I can now here calves and chooks calling for their brunch-does it ever end! Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Oh what a lovely post Tracey! What fun it would be to visit you and experience all your life has to offer. I do hope you'll be posting photo's of little baby lambs soon ..... oh do say yes!

    What cute and pretty little bags. In particular I love the little round bag you made for the Polly Pocket goodies .... I've seen that made up in a very big size for babies. It lays flat for baby to lie on and then pulls up with all baby's goodies inside. Great idea.

  2. I LOVE the bag in the front! What a cute idea that is :) You do great work as does your daughter ;) xoxo melzie

  3. The bags are lovely! I'd love to see how the little round one works.

    And yes, it is just like that. At least it is for me. It could be why I keep making my own little one so many quilts. But, there is the hope that some of what you love will rub off on her -- maybe not the exact same things, but showing her the passion and the enthusiasm you have will convince her to do "her own thing" with the same kind of love.

  4. Oh yes I know what you mean about girls. Romily already has more clothes than me and she's not quite two!

    Love the bags. Haven't been game yet!

  5. How many sheep do you have to feed 10-14 people. I usually try to make morning tea one day when I can but the last year they have all missed out as I have been to busy doing all the mustering and running about to keep it all running or when my husband was injured running the shed full on.(hated that) We have finished shearing just before Easter.

    Love the bags. There are some at the craft shop in town so will have a look it you like to see what price they have.

  6. The bags are very cute, esp the round one. WHat an inspired idea to use the quilted bedspreads for lining. Guess what I'll be looking for today when I visit my local op shop. Thanks for the idea.

  7. The bags are very cute. How do you do it all?! Cooking for shearers would take all my time.

  8. Nice finishes Tracey! Oh I love little lambs! So full of life and joy!

  9. Loved your smiley pic. Glad there are no pics of the crutching tho, eeew!!
    Gorgeous bags bet they sell like hot cakes. :-)

  10. Wow, I don't think the work ever does end! You're getting a lot accomplished in those 15 minute piece, though. =) Cute bags!

    The side piece for the bedroom looks great. Even if he doesn't understand, I hope your DH appreciates the new furniture. =)


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