Monday, April 16, 2007

Siggy Swap playtime.
Being in the same state as the swap mother (Cynthia) has its advantages. While other blocks are whirling throughout the World (a cool theory) mine are here being played with and I thought I may be able to eliminate some stress by discussing my results thus far.
They are fabulous and the colours all look great together, see photo.
I love this way of putting it together and have so far joined all the blocks in pairs. Here in lies the fun-they have been made beautifully and enthusiastically by all our lovely blogging friends using instructions off the net and therefore there are variations. My suggestions are to trim them all to a maximum of 6 and a half inches when you get them and depending on the pattern you choose you may need to trim them all slightly smaller even. With the pattern I like (above) there will be some problems getting all the points perfect as there is some variation in the width of the pin wheels. It's a matter of a little bit of creative playing to get the points or not being too stressed.
The second way to do it only requres good points on two sides and may be more appealing.

I love these blocks so much and have carted them around everywhere showing everyone the decorated blocks and the range of colours. I am hoping to have it up and hanging in my studio very soon.

ps, you will notice I am 4 blocks short, these are my own that were returned (I didn't put them in the pic) and I am happy to swap if anyone is interested. Connie is very keen to come in on this and see Cynthia's blog as well for details. (Post addition-I have just tried to use this link to Cynthia and it does all the right things but wont display her blog, is that the same for everyone? What have I done wrong? Cynthia

Last photo is of the babies convincing me that they are too cute to be put in the cubby to sleep!


  1. You have two http:// in your link. When you open the "link" box it's already there. You have to delete the one that's there when you paste the new one - otherwise it won't work.

    I can hardly wait to get my block!

    By the way - thanks so much for tagging me! I'm honored!


  2. I love both the layouts, it must have been great fun to get the blocks and look at all the signatures and fabrics used.

  3. i still haven't got around to playing with my blocks yet. Thanks for sharing the photos. The blocks look great next to each other.

  4. What sweet kitties you have there - love those eyes *s*

  5. My blocks arrived today - I've looked at them and checked out the blog addresses on them. It is my quilting day tomorrow so I thought I would keep them for something to do with my little group. Maybe I'll have some photos to post.

  6. Hi, Tracey!

    How nice of you to share the pictures! I can hardly wait to get my blocks, but knowing the mail service it might take another week or two... I'm most fond of the first layout, but I'll be sure to play around with them before I make my final desision :o)

    Patti has your linking problem figured out!

  7. Omigosh, those are neat - I can't wait to get mine! Too exciting! Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Clicking on the link works for me. I notice that when I'm typing the text for a link that it won't work until after it's entered (published) and then if I go back to the post I can click on it. You might give it another try. I like both layouts. Another idea might be adding sashing strips but that would be a lot of work. They look great as shown.

  9. I can't wait to get my blocks. This was a fun swap.

  10. Oh the quilt blocks are so pretty! And the kitties are just too darn cute!

  11. That turned out sooooo good!!! I love it!! I can't wait to get my siggy blocks now! Thanks for the words of encouragement you sent my way on my "situation" here. Can you believe that nothing happened!! Nothing at all. The dad didn't get removed and the girl had to go home last night to face the music. To say he is mad at her and at me I'm sure, is an understatement. I just don't get it. I have to see them tomorrow night cause we have a Childrens Church meeting. I thought about staying home but I'm going. I didn't do anything, he did. Anyway, thanks so much for listening!!! :) Oh, and I love!!! the kitties!!!

  12. Those Siggy blocks look so much fun! I like the first layout, but am sure whatever you do, they will look great.
    I love those little Kitties!

  13. I received mine today (17.04). That was very fast and I love them as well. I had tried the first layout as well and liked it a lot but I will try some more to try to enlarge the quilt a bit more. Take care.

  14. I have so missed reading your blog! I really like your blocks with the signatures...i can see why you like playing with them. I'm completely lost regarding "siggy blocks;" I've been out of the blogging loop too long. I'm off to read and discover the siggys. ;)

  15. What nice layouts and what sweet little kitty cat eyes looking out at us.

  16. My blocks just came today! It was great fun checking them out and where they all came from.

    The kitties are just too cute.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!