Tuesday, April 24, 2007

100th post...and I spent the egg money!!

A nice, organisational and congratulatory moment here. As some regular readers will know, I save my egg money and I had let slip a few months ago that it had amassed the grand total of $299! Well, with recent chook sales I finally reached the milestone that allowed me to buy the side table I wanted in order to get my bedroom on track and here it is! (complete with one drawer out I just notice!) I haven't quite filled all the drawers yet but by the stuff that still needs a home on the floor it will not take long! (better a hoarder than a borrower be! Isn't that how it goes?)

DH still thinks I am crazy that I didn't just go out and buy it 18 months ago when I wanted it, but then I wouldn't love it like this and be quite proud of it, it would just be furniture.

Tidied up the "book floor" as well after this came, borrowed some of the wooden shelving cubes and solved the problem of keeping all the stuff I like nice and close. See the magazines next to the pen and little sticky notes so I can mark the good quilt articles so they are easy to find for later. I have not yet come to the point where I rip and file the good bits but with my growing mag. collection I may get to that. I also love the chook. He plays the chicken dance until you put your hands around his neck then he makes a choking sound. Depends on your idea of humour... my daughter's class gave it to me for my birthday for doing storytime!

Now, back to being my 100th post. What fun that has been. My posting started at about the same time as my daughter got sick with her giardia and associated tummy problems and the blofgging interaction has been lovely for some added contact and to keep me motivated to record my quilting. As a result, and as a Thank you, I am going to borrow from Darlene's idea and everyone who comments prior to my next post will go into the draw for a prize or two......

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Happy blogiversary. I love visit your blog. What a great use of the eggmoney.

  2. Congratulations!!!! 100!!!! WOW!!!!
    I adore the dresser I even spied your Jim Shore figurine on it. It looks great.
    Things really are more special when you wait for them aren't they. I tell my daughter "don't rush half the pleasure is in the wanting" :-)

  3. wow congrats on your 100th post
    Love your blog
    have a fab day

  4. Happy 100th. Better blog entry than birthday! Your room looks beautiful and organized. Love the new furniture.

  5. At first I thought 'egg money', what's that?! Then I realised you sell some eggs :) Well done and what a great purchase.

  6. Happy Anniversary/Birthday/whatever you wish to call it to you. Congratulations on your century not out! As for the side table, let me lust from afar. It's gorgeous. And I totally agree with you, it's even so much more special and wanted when you've saved for it like you have.

  7. I just read your comment on my blog. Pfffft. Yeah right, as if that's going to happen! A pic in my bathers, ha! hehehehe

  8. congratulations on your 100th post Tracey. I'm keeping an eye on my posts as i near my 200th post in the next few weeks.

    Love the piece of furniture you have bought. I'm sure you'll enjoy it even more because you saved for it.

  9. What a lovely piece of furniture and happy Blog-a-versary. The year went quickly don't you think?

  10. Your post made me go and look to see how many posts I had to go before I get to 100. I am up to 55 so I suppose I really should get down to business recording things. I love your table - nice storage makes such a difference. And I also like the Cabbage Patch kids too - got a soft spot for those too. Keep up the good work.

  11. Your side table is GORGEOUS! I want that table! Guess that is a bit hard to ship over huh?

    Your room is so pretty! I could live in that room!

    And 100 posts! WOW! How great is that!

  12. Congratulations on your milestone in blogging! Also on waiting for a purchase...always means so much more that way, but no one does it much these days (me included). Thanks for a great blog - I enjoy reading it regularly although I don't often comment. You've enticed me out of lurking with the possible winning of a prize!

  13. Congrats on the 100th post. Love the new side piece. You are so right, it is made ever more special by the wait to save up the money. You will love it for a long, long time *s*

  14. Happy Hundred Posts and what a good feeling to think you have 'earned' your side-table. What is your next egg-money goal?

  15. Congratulations all the way around. Your patience really paid off. You should feel proud of yourself!

    100 blog posts! Way to go!!!

  16. I love the dresser you got!! I love the quilts at the bottom too. Happy Blogiversary...I think your darling hubby should take you out to dinner to celebrate heehee!
    Have a great day!!

  17. So glad you started blogging - I've loved reading your posts - all 100 of them! Looking forward to the next 100 also.

  18. Wooo Hooo!!!! 100 posts!!!! Keep them coming, I'll keep reading!

    Love the new dresser -- and yes darn it, saving for it, dreaming about it, DOES make it more special!

  19. Happy blogiversary! Way to go! i love that dresser. you are busy as ever!

  20. Go the egg money. The kids get mine.
    Love the side board. Very nice lucky for the chooks!

  21. I loveeee the chicken dance chicken :) Too cute. Congrats on your 100th post ;) Thanks for dropping by my blog! xoxo melzie

  22. Hello, Tracey! Congratulations on 100 blog posts!!!! I love reading you! Keep it up :o)

    I love your side table! Egg money well spent!

  23. Congrats on being 100!!! LOL. Love to read about your life "down under". Your new cabinet is smashing and I totally understand why you waited to get it. Guys just don't get it!!

  24. LOVE the cabinet! It's beautiful. I can't bring myself to tear up the magazines either, I find that the longer I quilt the more my tastes change and grow. If I throw out the magazines I might lose patterns and articles that I would want someday...

  25. Hi Tracey, I'm so very impressed with your determination to save the egg money and get your sideboard. It makes it all the more special to you, and sets such a great example for the children that things ARE worth waiting for, even in today's 'instant gratification' world.
    Congratulations on your #100 post, you've done a great job! Good solution on the book clean up also, love the dancing chicken..LOL Hugs, Finn

  26. Lovely cabinet. I wish I could earn egg money.

    Happy anniversary! Now I want to count my blogs!

  27. I don't know if this is going to get to you or not. if not, I'll copy and paste it in an email.

    Congrats on your 100th post and thanks for being such a friend and a supporter of The Cause!

    I adore that table. If you ever decide that you are fed up with it, I'll pay for the shipping to France!!!!!!


  28. Jumped over from Feeling Simply Quilty, happy anniversary. Just love your new piece of furniture, looks great with the quilts displayed on it.

  29. Congratulations on your 100th post!
    Love how you spent the egg money! It looks so nicely organized now. I really laughed at the Chicken Dance chicken!

  30. The table is looking very nice! Congrats on your 100th!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!