Friday, January 19, 2007

You Are An ENFJ
The Giver
You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.

Doing some very late blog checking tonight after racing home from a few days at the beach for impromptu quilting meeting here. Had a ball as usual-and introduced the girls to some of the US online quiltshops. they are in shock like me-do you know that we pay around $24 per metre Australian here for the proper ranges?? It's almost unjustifiable. (I said almost!!) Some half price shopping is about to occur online. My quilt shop will still get plenty of work from me matching jobs etc, I wont forget them! ($20 for charm packs!)

Anyway, must go to bed but after everyone had included this personality test I remembered that I did it months ago and ended up an ENFJ: I printed it off but didn't post it. So I did it again today and thought I'd probably answer differently. But no, I'd say I'm still the same personality I was 2 months ago. You can't really fool yourself, can you! And if you think that idealising relationships bit doesn't get my heart broken on quite a regular basis you would be wrong!

ps, remember it's de-lurker time! Say hello!


  1. I guess I better bring a lot of fabric when I next go to Australia! Lol. THey are not as cheap here in Canada as they are in USA but we live near the border so I go across sometimes to buy fabric.

  2. I am an ISFJ. The Nurturer

    "You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
    A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways.
    In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
    You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for."
    I'd say this test was reasonably accurate..
    Not a lurker, but saying hello!!

  3. Tracey, quilting on the beach sounds like run! I think fabric is expensive here in the US, but it is so much so in other countries. Hopefully your pay is higher there so you can afford it!

  4. Just stopped in to say "hello." Your baby quilt looks so nice! I noticed your Gratitudes peaking behind it... :-)
    Great photo of your little girl...what a smile!

  5. Fabric is soooo expensive in Norway too. I usually give 34 australian dollar or 26 american dollar per metre.

  6. Whoa! We in the U.S. constantly complain about how much fabric costs, but I had no idea it was so expensive overseas! Quilting on the beach sounds awfully good; here it is 30 degrees F and very cloudy.

  7. Wow that's alot of money for fabric!!! I know that when I was in the States I paid about $9.75 a yard but here in Korea I am getting fabric for $1.50-$2.00 a yard. I am stocking up like crazy for when we finally have to go back to the States. I just don't know how I'm going to pay full price again. AUGH!!! Have a great weekend and glad to have you back,

  8. I got some things from the Fat Quarter Shop too but it took three weeks to get here after I ordered it ( arrived yesterday) - hopefully it was the weather that did it and I will have better luck next time. I got a splish splash tin too - are you going to make the little topper that is included. I am finding some good US sellers on ebay too - and so am trying to save some costs on things I need. I guess it is finding the balance between supporting our habits and the local quilt store. I think there is room for both.

  9. Wow, I am going to have to remember to be grateful for the relative low cost of fabric. I do shop online, but there's just nothing like going into the shops and having the feel of the fabric in your hands.

  10. I have to answer you here since you always comes up with no reply in the comments. If you go to edit profil you can see if you have marked to show your emailadress. Would make it more easy to answer you.

    You commented on my blog about gluing the seemallowance on applique with freezerpaper. It makes it so easy, and yes LOL I am teaching different tecniques in quilting :)
    wich you a nice weekend, It's minus 18 outside today Brrrrrr

  11. I don't know if they ship international, but I'd try . I used to visit this shop when I lived in Ohio, and still take advange of their great sales prices.

  12. I'm delurking and stopping by to say hello. I'm in Country Victoria too and I shudder at good fabric prices here. Even with postage and an exchange rate I get some of my fabric cheaper from the US.

  13. Tracey, shock your friends with this site: It's a $20 minimum order, but most fabrics are $5.99, unless they are on sale for $1.99. I don't know if she's closing out the fabrics from her store, or if she will stay online at these prices, but maybe there will be $20 worth you need. =)


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!