Monday, January 15, 2007

A quick post.

Here is precious little Millie Charlotte at 11 days old. Already travelling for 2 hours to see her extended family.

My girl is very proudly holding her. She is very maternal and still extremely attached to her Baby born who came to hospital the day her brother was born and still has to have matching outfits made when I make DD a dress. Baby born also gets strapped in a car seat on trips to Warrnambool and has more luggage than me. I am very encouraging of this little girl play. Little girls grow up too quickly in general but seem to really be being hurried there at the moment. It is sad when you have to buy Bewitched, I dream of Jeannie and Little House on the Prairie for your girl to watch because there is absolutely nothing without some questionable content on TV after 6 pm. Bring back family shows! (And don't even start me on music-what is there between the Wiggles and Britney??And Britney's no role model!)

Enough of this little pet hate, have to run, hopefully some quilting time soon.

ps Thanks to dawn in Korea for the note about de-lurking month-and for commenting!. Seeing as I get about 100 hits each post I must have a few lurkers as well. Consider this an invitation to say hello.



  1. What a precious picture! Great thing you are doing encouraging all those maternal instincts. I'm thankful for DVD's and all the older shows kids can safely watch!

  2. Oh how sweet - your daughter looks so proud to be holding little Millie. What a lovely photo.

  3. Hi Tracey, I been enjoying reading your blog--consider me de-lurked! Millie Charlotte looks so sweet.

  4. A couple of adorable girls. I right with on the television. While I'm not opposed to watching somethings that may be inappropriate for the young'uns (I'm a grownup after all) some of my favorite shows are still Little House and The Waltons.

  5. two beautiful little ladies! that is a great picture. glad to hear that everyone is ok after that fire!

    some parts of the US could use some of your heat right now! too bad we can't ship excess heat and cold to different places to sort of even everyone out!

  6. She looks adorable holding little Millie. She'll make a wonderful Mommy someday..
    The old family shows are ones I enjoy watching again and again.

  7. Oh Tracey! The baby is beautiful! and what a sweet, sweet picture of your daughter holding her!

  8. Your daughter does look like a young mom. Hooray for you for encouraging her maternal instincts. The world always needs great moms.

  9. That's an adorable picture! Make lots of prints, so it's still around when she's having her own babies. =)

    That picture below is so amazing! You are having all this heat and we are freezing up over!

  10. De-lurked from San Jose, CA!

    Thanks for comment on my blog Tracey!

    I'm stuck in a rut these days. No new posts, no new pictures, busy refurbishing the house to sell...and thinking that NO one wants to watch my paint dry.

    Lovely Millie, and the sisterly love is just the best. My sister 10 years senior practically raised me. Even now, she still tries, lol.

  11. Both girls are adorable. My sister is buying old movies too - Kung Fu - for her son.

  12. Don't ya just love these photos where the older child is bursting with pride holdign an infant!! Those smiles are one of a kind ;)

    Love the name Millie too! What a cutie! ~Bonnie


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!