Sunday, January 21, 2007

A change in the weather

A fair bit of Australia is finally taking a breath of moist air. We have had over 3 inches fall here in the last few days, of course it isn't quite the season for a proper break like this but it's so lovely to hear and fabulous for my now dried up garden. Still quite muggy so it may not even be finished.
A few photos to share, this is today's sewing effort. My boy and I found this Star Wars panel on ebay as he wanted a quilt to match his pillow. It arrived on Friday and I had continual reminders until I managed to find an hour and a half today to make it up. He is extremely proud of it (and me!) I love it when the recipient is excited, especially when the recipient belongs to me! I was fairly short of oranges in my stash but managed to come up with enough to make a spark. It was going to have a 3 block wide checkerboard but only had enough for two, did them end to end and of course mucked up the light and dark pattern but as my boy was leaning over my shoulder waiting and didn't look like he would care if a few red squares were matched together I didn't worry either! I backed it with an opshop navy bedspread-already backed and quilted so very quick. Looks to me like he's happy!
My little darlings enjoying the Gratitudes and School holiday sleep-ins, but only 10 days to go!

When my girl and I were in Warrnambool last week we did the School shoe thing and to congratulate ourselves on an easy fitting and good choices we second hand book shopped before going for coffee. I found the latest Bastion club historical romance by Stephanie Laurens, but my girl found this great quilt mystery, right at her level! They find this quilt in the old house and it's an exact replica of the house with a secret to solving the mystery! How great is that? She is right into it and loving it-I can't wait for my turn.

We then coffeed and I bought some great fridge magnets, they are hard to read i know, but you can get the drift. I particularly like the clean house is a sign of a wasted life!

I went back to the beach to swap her for her brother who wanted to replace a broken toy with some savings and we spotted this enormous echidna in the scrub next to the main beach path. He just wouldn't quite smile but I thought he was worth a post anyway, we were all very excited as you are more likely to glimpse these shy creatures dead by the road.

Last picture is my kids re-enacting the old Goodies episode of Kitten Kong with my very treasured Anne of Green Gables Dollhouse, but they had fun! If the Goodies weren't big in the U.S and you like English humour, find these on DVD, BRILLIANT!

Now, some housekeeping. I have finally managed to setup a hotmail email account so I am fully contactable for all of those who have tried and failed. Thanks for all the feedback re: fabric, that was great. There is a 15 pound box on it's way from Fat quarter quilts so I should be right for a week or two!!!
Also, do I really want to change to Beta, will it make my life easier or harder-comments please!!
And does having 3500 photos on your computer slow it down, someone suggested this to me, that they need sorting and saving to disc. It sounds like a job this tech-illiterate will hate! Why can't I just sew and blog and not have to deal with "stuff!!"
Have a good day, Tracey


  1. Great photos. All those photos will definitely slow your computer down and if it should crash (and they all do eventually) you would lose all your pictures. I would say transfer them to CD asap.

  2. The tech side is tedious -- I feel like I'm always challenged in that area.

    Kitten Kong -- now that's funny *s*

  3. Wow! Love the Star Wars Quilt, but probably not as much as your son!

  4. Oh what a fun post. Your son looks so happy! And I love the feet!

    But how cool is that book about the quilt your daughter found. Now that is FUN!

    And I love the little animal thing - what did you call it, an enchido? something like that. Looks like our pourcupine.

  5. Love the pictures-- thanks for sharing.

  6. I'm rater new to your blog - and I don't recall ever seeing your Graditudes quilt top. I can tell from the photo of the boys playing with it you used plaids - would love to see a full shot of the quilt ;) ~Bonnie M.

  7. Hi!! You "help" the chickens on their way??????????????? OH NO!!!!! hahahaha Of course I will still talk to you!!! I found out today that the puppies were for eating!! I was told that they tie a string to their back legs and wop em on the ground. I AM SO GLAD THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN WHEN I WAS THERE!!!!! Next time you help a chook on it's way..if you fry it...I'll hop on a plane and come on over to have some. :) Have a great day!!!

  8. p.s. I love the star wars quilt!!

  9. I remember the Kitten episode of the Goodies very well. My favourite was the blackpudding Icky Thump episode.


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