Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Feeling very refreshed-it's 10.15 here, only about 16 degrees celcius and I've just hopped out of the pool! A girl swimming here today apparently left her goggles so I was the lucky volunteer who had to search. A good chance to get a few laps in, especially with no-one trying to swim around my neck! My knee's been a little dodgy lately and swimming is preferable to walking. I would like to say it is some sporting injury but far more likely to be RSI of the sewing machining knee!

Cooked a bit today. If I am making one slice, I may as well double or triple it. This was Robyn's highly tweaked and popular-with-everyone Hedgehog. I make it, then cut it into sixths or quarters and freeze the slabs. Fabulous for when the kids are going somewhere for a play,quilters, bible study or when I'm on meal support for school or church. It's all there packed and waiting.

I have been spending ages trying to clear up my computer, especially seeing it is now making groaning and creaking noises when I turn it on or ask it to change jobs. After a lot of effort I managed to get off all of the pictures out of "my pictures" but The Kodak "My collection" is still listing 3727 images! I'm manually disappearing those one by one-there has to be an easier way-or do I even need to worry if they are off the hard drive. I have tried to get onto my friend's 16 year old for help. 16 year old's are the best, they think like computers (recalcitrant and think they know everything!!) But he's away for a week, AnywayI think I've also managed to save my documents and my email contacts and that's about the best I can do. If I go offline for a while it wont be me that's dead, it'll be the computer!

Do you know that my Fat Quarter Quilters order (15 pounds!!) came today (Wed.) and I only ordered it from the U.S on Friday. It was all presented beautifully as well so I am basically just walking around here rubbing pieces to my cheek. It's kind of sad but I think some of you will understand!

Another little Internet thing- (this is basically an internet based post today, tomorrow will be quiting, I promise!) I worked out that jennifer Chiaverini was someone who wrote quilt themed novels as she had an excerpt in one of my Christmas books, so i googled and found a place I could get her sampler book , with the first 3 Elm Creek novels, for $27 delivered, Australian. I then took the ISBN into our bookshop to be locally supportive and they said I probably couldn't get it but if I did it would be $46!! I had a look at the 2nd hand bookshop in W'Bool but they'd never heard of them. Two guesses on where I'll buy it?!

Now, an echidna is well worth googling for more info. They ARE similar to a hedgehog but have a pouch that their baby lives in and they feed it milk-all really amazing.

To finish, we noticed tabitha was a little smelly so here are the junior workers applying themselves to that task of bath. I got a little distracted taking the photo and they ended up letting her go while she was soaking and we all spent a hectic 5 minutes chasing her all over the house and getting her out from under MY bed! Stop laughing, stop laughing NOW! See you tomorrow when I will hopefully get time to show you how I make my string quilts.


  1. LOL Poor cat. I know exactly how it is. When I took my cats to catshows I had to give them a bath. And it was a lot of fun many times. Imagine a wet persian cat.....they look so skinny and ugly LOL

    I have started to buy a lot of books on net. Books are also so expensive in Norway. It's a shame.

  2. Poor kitty - Mine got wet on accident once... stunk worse! I now use kitty bath wipes - similar to nappy wipes, but made for pets... She is still not happy with it, but....

    What is a hedgehog? (I am thinking a cooky bar of some sort...)

    I saw an Echidna when I was in Australia very cool!

  3. You'll love Jennifer C's books. Everyone I start to read I think, it can never be as good as the last... but everyone is outstanding....

  4. Oh poor tabitha! But I did get a good laugh!

    Oh you will LOVE the Jennifer Chiavarini books! I have all of them and buy them and send them to my friend in AU - I had no idea they would be so much there - no wonder she is so happy when I sent them!

    Also try Emilie Richards (Shenandoah Series). Wedding Ring is the first one - they are soooo good!

  5. Don't worry too much about the 16 year old -- when they don't belong to you, they can rather pleasant.

  6. I'm with Amy!! Don't know if your local pet shop has these kitty wipes but one wipe does the trick! A lot easier than trying to get a kitty into water.

    I think it's GREAT you have so many pictures!! We so often forget to take pics at different family events! Moving those off your hard drive will definitely make it zippier! Also try doing a disc defrag when you are done deleting those pics from the hard drive.

  7. hahahahahaha I just read your comment on my site. I LOVE THE PRINCESS BRIDE!!! One time, when I lived in Utah, my friend and I watched it together...she lived in Florida. We each went to the store and got a couple of wine coolers and then she called me. We sat on the phone for two hours and had wine coolers and watched the movie. You just made me remember a great time...now I've got to email her. Thanks for the chook info!!! Have a great night Indigo!!

  8. oops..forgot about the chicken. I did a search for chooks and then just right clicked and saved the picture that I thought was the pretiest. :)

  9. OK, I have to ask! What is hedgehog? I thought it was an animal, but this looks like food...
    I can't even imagine ever giving Vincent a bath. I would be the one getting wet for sure!

  10. I have also been thinking about purchasing books online from the US. I'm not quite sure which sites to buy from. Do you have any idea?

    It's great getting a package of fabric in the mail isn't it. Any chance of seeing the fabrics you bought.

  11. Hi Tracey,

    Your blocks have just arrived. I can't PM you as you are on no-reply so hope you don't mind the comment.

    Poor kitty - hope she dried out! Have you got a CD writer? Can't you back up your photos onto a CD-R and then delete them from the hard drive?

  12. I have read one book by Jennifer. At the moment though I am reading Earlene Fowler novels and ordered Fools Puzzle from buyaustralian.com the book part. I buy my books that are hard to find there. Earlene's novels having quilting in them. www.homesteadblogger.com/ourlittlehouseintown

  13. town is the last part of my address sorry.

    I love the sunflower avatar.


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