Friday, April 11, 2008

Weekly roundup

First day at home for the week today. I was fully intending a day of bliss in the sewing room, but ended up called to the neighbors for a spot of playgroup storytime and now have to head to town for a School thing so not much progress.

Had great fun during the week though.....Tuesday i trekked down to a town where i borrowed the timber quilt frame from to return it and I caught up with the lovely Carol. I have now met 4 bloggers amazingly enough and they were all as great in person as on their blogs!! carol has some great quilts close to finished, i will be watching her blog for the finishes. She has also got the most fabulous book made from her scrapbooking layouts for her MIL for Mother's day. Believe me, she will be the favourite!!
Made a few op shop purchases-all these great cotton shirts for the shirt stash.
And this gorgeous double flanel baby rug-near new for 50 cents!! It will make up into quite a few little baby blankets in it's new life.
The chenille bedspread I spotted a lady bringing in as I walked out. I told her I would cut it up for quilts to give away and she said her Mum would be so happy about that. I told her to make sure she told her and she got teary and said she couldn't but she was really happy it was doing something useful.
I am happy too. I love to see things recycled to be useful again.
I found a pre-loved flannel shirt and had a little play with the new chenille to see how it went. Not bad for a boy baby I think.
I think I shocked and scared my quilting friends on Friday night...with applique pieces...and not button hole stitched either. This is where I am up to on my FSQS . I even tried the new yo-yo maker (fabulous thing!!). My daughter thinks the quilt needs more hot pink, my boy thinks it is far too girly and I think a few more leaves and flowers...what do you think?
I had better get to my school function but we finally found where DD's cat was hiding her Good Friday babies, so you get gratuitous kitten pics to close. It was very lucky the last of the old kittens was delivered to its new home Maundy Thursday. Anyone want these in the mail??
Have a great day, Tracey


Carol said...

Yay Tracey, it was so much fun meeting you. One thing is for certain, when bloggers get together, we sure can talk!! LOL

Now pressure! Urrrgh. You do realise those quilts have been sitting there for a couple of years just needing the binding. Now you're gonna force me to finish them. Okay okay.

Do wish you got that lady's name or gave her your blog address, she would love to see that quilt made up.

As for the kittens, OMG, I'm in love!!!!

Whew, that was a big comment, LOL.

loulee said...

I'd love a kitty in the mail, but I don't think customs and excise would let it through! What a sweetie.

You've been busy. How about hot pink and leaves and flowers? LOL

Chocolate Cat said...

You are amazing with what you achieve!! Those kitty's are SO cute, we lost one of our loved cats not long ago but not sure we are ready for a kitten yet! will settle for lots of photos...

Clare said...

The chenille goes brilliantly with the check.

Definitely more flowers.

Saska said...

It is new kitty season, but sorry...we'll have a crop of our own.

Needled Mom said...

I do wish that we could put that kitty in an envelope and ship it here. I'd love it.

Your quits are lovely. What a wonderful recycled quit the chenille makes. I wish that the lady who brought it in could see it transformed. It is nice to find such good cotton shirts with life still left in them. And...I love the applique quilt. The colors are perfect.

So glad that you were able to meet other bloggers. That would be fun.

Ruth's Place said...

As tempted as I am, one cat is quite enough thank you :)

Love the chenille and gingham quilt - very cute.

The flowers look great, maybe a few more leaves, but that's just me.

McIrish Annie said...

please mail my kitty right off to me here in CT. I can't live another day without one of those adorable balls of fur!

I absolutely love what you did with the chenille quilt and flannel. I am in awe of how you take op shop finds and turn them into something so perfect!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Sweet kitten!! Even sweeter kiddo!

Christine said...

What a cute little kitty. I'm guessing the other little sweetie is your daughter - they are very cute together. Great op shop purchases - you seem to have a knack for this. I have a chest full of shirts that belonged to my Pop waiting to be used one day. (Actually the chest was Pop's too) Take care.

Quasi said...

You know, quilts are wonderful items to have as kitty blankies. I’d like to tell you that I’ve written a scathingly funny book, The World Is Your Litter Box, which will be out May 6th. The book is cleverly disguised as a cute cat book so humans will buy it, but is, in fact, a how-to manual FOR cats. Check it out on my website,

Nines said...

SO sweet about that chenille blanket- ya never know when you might really touch somebodies' heart.

Andrea said...

Applique is not my thing either. I love the look but am scared of doing it. What do you know ? I'm doing some on my spring swap quilt too - hope I don't mess it up. Id love that little grey kitty. It's kitten season here and I'm trying to resist getting one. We have 3 cats already but they are SO cute.

Anonymous said...

So nice to see that your boy enjoys some of the "home" things in life, very cute chooks. Love what you did with the bedspread and your applique is great, if it were mine I wouldn't use hot pink, but that's just me.

Kim said...

What a sweet story about the chenille bedspread! It's good knowing that things treasured will keep being treasured, no matter what they may change into and who owns them! Yes, please mail me a kitty. Well, maybe not, but they're darling!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Sure, I'll take a kitten. You pick. Send it along!

nancy, near philadelphia

Unknown said...

Those op-shop shirts are such gorgeous colours