Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Traps for new players. Episode 2.

Catching up with bloggers has lots of upsides. One for me proved to be getting the "getgo" from Donna about using my absolutely fabulous quilting frame ......that I got months ago.

Now, I was going to get so much done on it before Christmas but the few times I have sat down to work it out I have been in a hurry and, more importantly, it didn't make sense! Lots of lovely piecing and normal life has also distracted me, so when Chookyblue and I actaully saw my frame working at the quilt show she pretty much told me she would annoy me until she saw action.

So today, after getting my roots magically restored to a colour that does not match my mother's, I sat down in peace and quiet to work my way through the video and load a quilt.

Well, it's not really a quilt, just a play piece until I get the hang. Fabulous huh!???

But wait, is anything looking wrong about this setup, could there be a reason I have repeatedly looked at it and decided it doesn't make sense??

Yep, I imagine you got it in one!!!

It is impossible to slide the machine around the quilt with those two metal supporting bars there.

The glider piece is completely around the wrong way!!! Both DH and the sewing machine man should stick to farming I think!

I am just waiting for DH to come and help me fix it and then it will be all go, as it was incredibly easy to load. So thanks for the motivational talk Chookyblue!

Speaking of Chookyblue, here she is! Front left, next to me on the right, with Jodie Ric Rac left back and Annie's flower garden on the right.( Who very fortunately could catch up with us after an appointment)

Did a few purchases, Chookyblue is showing my cutting mat and BIG quilt coat hanger on her blog, they don't want to load for me here. A few other little things were:

-some magazines from the sponsors, 2 sizes of suffolk puff makers, bright chenille...'cos you can never have too much!! and A big wooden T that is likely to get covered in fabric.

-photo transfer fabric sheets, some new apply-kay stuff that works like visoflix but removably sticks your pieces in place, also doesn't "go off" like visoflix if you store it for a while. Some hangers and a bag pattern and handles for making a cool new bag.

Miscellaneous "stuff". Tractor fabric for my new nephews quilt, daisy notions,some nice necklace beads, a wooden kit for a ribbon dispenser, some cute tins (as Chookyblue's girl "made me") and some quilt block inkable embellishing blocks that haven't come out well so I will have to show you again another day.

Very lucky that Jodie bought her cart to hold all our stuff and that Chooky's girl liked dragging it around-and yes, she was well looked after for it!

I actually have to do some work at school tomorrow to give the teachers time to get sorted for Parent teacher interviews straight after school-I envision a storytime session, then I have the kids home on holidays for 2 and a half weeks.

Have a great day, Tracey


Anita said...

Sounds like you had a great time catching up with bloggin friends and what better place to do it but at the Show!!!
You got some great goodies there too!

Calidore said...

Ohh lucky you to get to the craft fair. Sounds like it was wonderful and I love the photo of you girls. Thanks for posting about it.

Chookyblue...... said...

hey good to see that frame has been touched........looking forward to the next shot of some quilting practise.......you got lots of bits and peices like me......good to see Fairy Girl got the blame for one purchase......still buzzing days later.......

Jodie said...

Glad to see Chookyblue got you motivated.
You certainly did the most shopping on the day Tracey.
I have just visited our favourite card printer - you my dear, totally rock !!!

loulee said...

What a haul! Lucky you to get a craft fair and people to enjoy it with. You girls look like you had a great ole time together.

Carol said...

Woah Tracey, that's an awful lot of buying there, and well yes, an interesting shade of chenille!!! Lots of fun was had by all it sounds.

Ruth's Place said...

Hey, nice to put a face to you, and to Chookyblue! Great haul from the quilting fair. I can't wait to see you're quilting frame go!

Needled Mom said...

Yes.....that frame setup would pose a slight problem. Perhaps that is something a quilting husband might know, but I do believe that my husband would do it in a similar manner. I love seeing it set up and ready to run.

My mouth is watering with your suggestion of adding a "special" flavoring to my dessert. Will have to try that one out next time I make it. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Great shopping day, that apply-kay stuff sounds interesting. Is it an Aussie product? Glad you figured out the quilting frame, to this untrained eye it looked pretty good....lol....

Libby said...

You'll have that frame up and running in no time *s*

Andrea said...

I'm sure once you get the quilting system sorted you'll be quilting like a madwoman - lol ! lovely goodies and glad you had a great day with your bloggy friends.

Jodie said...

Good luck with the quilting... All of the goodies you picked up at the craft show are gorgeous!!! Hope you and the family have a wonderful Easter break..


Liz said...

Hi Tracey,
I am sooooooo jealous you have your own quilting frame. Can't wait to see some quilting from it.
Have you tried the Appli-Kay wonder yet? I find it very thick and very different to Vliesofix. I'm not convinced yet if I like it. So far I find the paper not peeling off the only advantage over Vliesfix. But as I purchased
2 rolls of it I will just have to persevere. Lots of other lovely goodies you have from the show too.
Take care and Happy Easter.
Kind regards from Liz

Annie said...

Hi Tracy, Loved seeing all your goodies from the fair. Sold lots of cards at school today after the last bell, while all the teachers were drinking!!! Wow, fancy having your very own quilting frame!!

Christine said...

Wow - you found lots of great things to take home. Can't wait to see what you do with your 'T'. Great photo of you and the girls. I can picture you now when I visit your blog. Have a happy Easter.

The Southern Mom said...

Lol! I got my "roots magically restored" today, too!

Love your blog...so much fun!

Susan said...

I think it should be working much better if you've gotten it turned around. =) You will have a lot of fun with this. It's easier than you think.

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