Thursday, March 06, 2008

Traps for new players

Note to self:
" future, you know, in relation to all those future children you are going to have (stop for a moment for choking fit and dizzy spell-and that is just DH!) Can you please remember that child management techniques that seem like a good idea at the time are not always so. Especially that one where you tell your 7 year old who wants a baby turtle that "you can have it when you are 10!!" Because, they get to 10 and....they don't forget!!!
Hence, while I could have spent the evening organizing a beautiful and exciting 15 minute bag tutorial I am instead trying to set up an aquarium whose components came with NO instructions, at this point I would even appreciate them in Chinese...if they had a picture!
Who knew a turtle needed a licence, that has to be paid yearly, a heater, a special reptile light, a pump, a floating pretend rock dock and frozen tucker that I could eat!!! I have decided we should give up the cropping and breed turtles, far more lucrative, especially as there is a shortage and very few in the state-should just go to the dam!
But the worst, before I realised they do not forget, I told DS that he could get his lizard/snake when he was 10, how will I break that to his father!
Speaking of cropping, I didn't show you the crop duster spraying our linseed crop, the things I do for you, I almost stood in it! Luckily DH tells me it is effectively just a basic pyrethrum you would spray in your garden so nothing too life threatening-unlike the job these crop dusters do, how do they get insurance and how do their wives sleep at night.
No sleep yet, I am working on the Hannah Montana birthday cake as well, just finished the party bags, not sure if i will be show the cake, it may look a little out there as I am making it up...and I have high standards to keep up from last year's efforts!
Have a great day, Tracey


Anonymous said...

Kids seem to have memories like elephants, nothing slips past them..... The things we do for our Good luck with the snake, but I would have thought that there would have been enough in the wild to keep him happy......

Ruth's Place said...

Oh, very cool, I always wanted a turtle! Let me know when you decide to get that snake - I can give you some tips on the best species for a beginner and DH should be able to hook you up with a reputible breeder who has nice tame hand-reared babies...

Saska said...

The turtle probably wouldn't make it at my house...

We used the crop-duster last week to spray some wheat. We had waterholes in the terraces so the big-wheel couldn't get out in it without making a mess. We're fighting grass in some wheat.

Needled Mom said...

Having raised four sons, we have had our share of reptiles. Newts, lizards, water dragons, snakes, tortoises, tree frogs -- you name it and we probably had it at some point. It is one of those parenting things that one must experience. Now I chuckle at their own dealing with "pets" in their own families.

loulee said...

Having previously kept tropical fish I'm with you on all the expense of setting up, before you even get to put something into the tank. Never mind, just think of all the hours of fun you'll have cleaning the thing once the novelty wears off. LOL

Kim said...

Yikes! Having to make the cake sounds scarier than the snake! Get him a lizard, they are sooo cute! Just ask Deb at

Andrea said...

LOL ! Guess how we ended up with a leopard gecko Tracey !! I absoltely draw the line at snakes though....

Finn said...

Hi Tracey, keep the faith baby, it will all work out ok in the end. The turtle will be a hit and do well, and the cake will be awesome!
I'm just NOT going to comment on the possibility of a S.N.A.K.E.
I got the chooks posted today, finally *VBS* Thanks you again, so much. Hugs, Finn