Sunday, June 24, 2012

Quilt retreat weekend.

Quilt weekend photos, yes, we actually did a lot of work!!! 10 ladies,( 3 stitching, 7 sewing). Sorry this has taken so long but I have had a lot of issues with this new format and cracked the sads trying to get this post to upload, fortunately going to work tonight! Heaps to report, will get this one out of the way first. Above is pretty much the view from our accommodation. Below is all the work we got done for the weekend.

Can't shift pics, so this is my boy and his dog.
Lise at work on her Leanne's house design.
Robyn has finally pieced all her horses.
I was showing the girls how to do a dis. 9 patch at the last minute...this is it in pieces.

Robyn's log cabin was finished, a shaggy ready to snip, Helen;s I think, and a bushfire block quilt ready to go to it's owner...yes, they are still being delivered, a lot of the victims are only just getting houses now.

My dis. 9 patch pink throw on the left, Jane's french (?) hand printed quilt blocks on top and Anne's baby quilt at bottom.
Close up of Jane's blocks, bought per block i think.
The top right are some more Jane got overseas, love the orange sashing, bottom house/bright was mine, a baby quilt.
My batiks on left, Anne's pinks baby throws on right.
My "Coming home" log cabin on the right, someone's stars on left. So, on my completed log cabin, one little girls cot, three batik throws, one pink dis 9 patch and the boys 9 patch without  running seams up. A big weekend! Below, Robyn finished the binding on her log cabin, machine quilted in woolsthorpe. So, a busy weekend for all, i swam in the the rain, to make it pretty much an annual event. All booked for next year.


  1. Looks like an amazingly productive weekend, and lots of fun. Beautiful location too.

  2. What a fantastic weekend and highly productive. All the quilts look fantastic xxx

  3. wow you girls were so busy at the retreat.......

  4. An incredibly productive weekend! Looks like you all had a great time.

  5. very productive! Your batiks remind me of licorice allsorts!

  6. I can't believe how much work you guys got done. It looks like an awesome place for a sewing retreat.

  7. Gosh hard to believe we got that much done!!! Looking forward to next year already!!!

  8. Great projects completed by all... please take me away :)


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