Thursday, May 31, 2012

Back again...and now off to Quilt weekend.

 Wow, a girl doesn't post for a few weeks and blogger goes and changes everything...must say it was very easy to upload photos, wonder if everything else will work as well. We have another school market over, close to $15000 profit this year, in the 6 years I have co-ordinated it has gone from $5000 to $15000! Stoked about that. This gentleman won the quilt I made and donated, he entered because his mum liked it...and I noticed it being hidden away for her for Mother's day!

Okay, not quite so happy with new blogger now, wont let me type where I want! I'll just have to give you a general run down and you can work out which photo I'm talking about. My favourite daughter had to go to a theme disco, she borrowed an op shop dress of mine, put the hair up and channeled a bit of Audrey Hepburn!
My days are currently being filled with photography jobs...(lots of woolsheds and other venues) and going around sheep, feeding pet lambs...all the usual for this time of year. I thought I'd share a few of this morning's lambing shots. My right hand is all swollen from "birthing babies". I had such a struggle with it at boxing class last night!
Above is me in my new little Gator, Archie comes with and shares the back with an assortment of lambs and ewes, much to his disgust!
Also in here somewhere is my boy and his new pup, Tillee. She is going very well, and other than a bit of chewing and pulling out my succulent garden she's not too badly behaved.
I made individul lemon meringue pies the other day....on a butternut snap biscuit base, too yum!
And finally, as the sheep call, I am off tomorrow for ANOTHER quilt weekend. (I hope you read that in a similar tone to the one my family uses!!!....ANOTHER one!!) Family is not looking forward to having to take over my sheep and lamb jobs.
Off tomorrow, so many projects packed and ready,(see below! I just can't wait. I am going with Lise, the Chocolate Cat again, and another 8 ladies, staying at port Fairy. If you are good I may post an update on everyone's progress. Have  a great day. Tracey x


  1. Yikes...I got tired just reading your post! All looks wonderful...

  2. Oh Tracey, it sounds like you're living the dream. Gorgeous daughter, son + pup = cute, racy Gator, and so busy and involved. You sound busy and happy.

  3. love the gator......very cool.........
    have a wonderful weekend on retreat........I know about lamb feeding and I won't be volunteering to help while your

  4. Audrey Hepburn , look a like , certainly is growing up, lovely shot. Methinks the weather may be cold down at Port Fairy.

  5. Loved all the pics Tracey... You have been very busy. Hope you had a great weekend sewing :)

  6. Love that red and white quilt. Wonder where you got the idea from [grin].

    Hope you had a great time.

  7. Your photos are magical Tracey


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