Friday, July 01, 2011

Colourful and green

Joining in with Daisy quilt's colourful Fridays today, it is almost too much for me..I can only choose one photo! So this Oriental poppy wins the job.

I love these poppies, have them in all colours around my garden in spring, I love seeing what new variations the bees have assisted in creating. They are my kind of flower, one that comes up itself ..and more of them come when you never tidied your garden after the last lot of flowers! Negligence in this instance, is golden. (Or red...or purple with single petals..or pink and fluffy!)

My boy has been sick with tonsils this week, back ay School today so i have one day to get his quilt finished for his birthday....can't stay, must run!


  1. I must say that I am a fan of poppies too. They are so pretty and always colourful. Great pic.
    Good luck finishing your quilt.

  2. I'm a poppy fan too! watching the bees roll around in the pollen is a fascinating thing :o) toni xxx

  3. Lovely poppy. I can remember my brothers trying to catch bees as they flew from one poppy to the next.

    And we both chose a flower :)

  4. Oooh Tracey, a beautiful poppy! My fave flower of all... roses are next.
    I should get you to save me some seeds.. love things that look after themselves.
    Gorgeous photo and beautiful composition.. grin.. did you survive just one pic?
    Hope your boy recovers well and good luck with his quilt.
    Happy Colourful Friday xx

  5. How wonderful to have these gorgeous poppies all over your garden. Lovely red and green.

  6. Hello Tracey,

    I love poppies to, they are great in the garden. Hope you get the quilt quilted and your son is on the mend.
    Happy days.

  7. I hope he feels better soon.

    I just love the beautiful poppies. They are such pretty flowers.

  8. Good luck with the quilt - nothing like a deadline - lol xxx

  9. Very pretty.
    My parents have giant poppies growing in their garden but unfortunately my photographs did not do them justice.

  10. Hmm, my poppies are still sleeping .


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