Friday, July 15, 2011

Colourful fridays...(quilty) triangles

Another colourful Friday hosted by Daisy quilts. This week's theme is triangles. I haven't been outside much, far too wet here for wandering around in search of triangles (i might sink!) I stuck to inside. Sewing related triangles were the only ones I found. I'm sure when i follow the links to everyone else's photos in a minute i will see great ideas! These traingular chooks (chickens) have always been favourites of mine, therew should be table runners just of them...but whoever gets time for tablerunners for themselves?!
I have made hundreds of these little chooks for school and Church markets, these are the ones the kids wouldn't let do. Triangle beaks!

My daughter made this one...a little differently.

This is in my site heading picture, starting to fade I noticed when i took the photo. it is no wonder it lives on the kitchen couch and wraps at least one family member every day. Was made from my very early stash, 8 years ago, lots of triangles.

And another oldie. This hangs in my kitchen and is tiny. Made from a the small centre verse, a gift from a friend. I look at these traingles and shudder...but still love it. I think i only owned about 10 fabrics then! Do you have favourites like that?

So, step over and enjoy some more colourful Fridays at the linked blog above. Cheers, Tracey


  1. A wonderful collection of chooks. They fit the triangle theme perfectly and they look great. Love the quilt and wall hanging, too. Always great for triangles. Great photos.

  2. Awwww! I love all your chooks!
    Lovely quilty triangles too.

  3. LOVE your triangle chooks with the buttons eggs . . . .

  4. Tracey, your little chookins are the cutest. I can see they'd be easy to adopt and love! In fact all your 'triangle' pieces look very well loved.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog on Colourful Friday.

  5. So many goodies in the photos! Yeah!

  6. What wonderful triangles!!! Those chooks are all darling.

  7. I love your photos! Great chickens. Your one chicken looks like it is running really fast. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Morning Tracey, love all of your triangles too!
    It's fun to look back at our past works and enjoy and sometimes to see our journey!
    Love the Prov 31 hanging... adorable!
    Have a great week and Happy Colourful Friday / Saturday.
    Stay dry :D

  9. Great triangles....loved the chookies beaks. Great post.

  10. Lovely triangle, chooks are definitely triangles on legs!


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