Thursday, June 03, 2010

Lambs and scrap play..

Thanks for all the info and emails about the neck and shoulder troubles, going quite well this week, but haven't done much sewing to test it out.

Instead, I've been busy with these....there are 9 now!

This is my newest little one, with uncle Arch, the japanese spitz, who is a photo hogger!

Deserved a solo portrait..

Then Uncle Arch moved back in!

I am liking these photos, reminds me of the lion and the lamb. I am thinking of a blurb for a card with the photo, feel free to help!

Time has been short this week...well, time is the same as usual, just not enough of it for me! I actually cleared my ironing basket yesterday, amazingly enough, and when I had done the non essential the family's clothes, I did some essential ironing....fabric scraps!Posted by Picasa

I pulled out green and pink ones to make some bigger, pretty log cabin chooks for my nieces....more birthdays this week! I had a lovely time making wonky log cabins, didn't trim any of the strips, just put them together as they came...very therepeutic!I have 2 ready to put together, was tempted to keep making them, 4 only took 42 minutes, so around 10 minutes a block, but i have so many 'have to' projects, i can't afford a 'like to'! They just need combs and beaks and I can get them together.

Have had an online book buying epiphany this week. Found my new all time favorite site for this, it is called the Book depository. It is based in England and it has, wait for it, FREE POST to Australia and despatches usually in 48 hours1 The other,"wait for it" moment is over 1500 patchwork books, including gwen marston's liberated quilting 2 which i have had my eye on and some of her older, hard to get titles. Noticed 'This old Quilt' there for a fabulous price as well-love that book. we are talking $10's of dollars cheaper than anywhere else for some of these books. Also Audio books, great kids books, all the Janet Evanovich catalogue, all the updated georgette heyer...the list goes on. i had been wanting 'the Pioneer woman cooks' but couldn't justify the amount of fabric it cost, well, in the twenties (Australian dollars) on this site. Have a look and tell me if it isn't great, do some comparing online, that's when you really get excited! Well, the most excited I get when it's not fabric play!
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Those lamb pictures are just fabulous. I can see why your time is short.

    Love the wonky logs. The colors are wonderful together. It reminds me of flowers.

    Wow....the book depository sounds awesome.

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  3. Hi Tracey
    Have just come across your site and wanted to say that I do like it. I also have been using book depository for some time and I am more than impressed with its books, delivery and their great attitude. I

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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thanks for the lamb photos...miss seeing them my walks now that I am back in the states. Wonky logs are great stress relievers!

  7. Book Depository is great, I've used it, photography books at less than half the price here in Australia. Unreal. Those lamb photos are just the sweetest.

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  9. the babies make all the rest of it worthwile!


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