Monday, June 21, 2010

A change of scene at Quilt retreat!

Headed to the historic fishing town of P*rt fairy this past weekend for our quilt retreat. Went with the best of good intentions to blog progress at frequent intervals, managed to get my online footy tips on before the power ran out and I realised I only had half the charge cord!! So much for that plan, but I still took lots of photos! And I now have a justifiable reason to post for the next few days!
The scene was fabulous, right on the beach, we even had these dolphins swim past,

and gorgeous oceanic is very cold and winter down here!

It was cold, under 5 degrees in the morning, but so appealing that I actually swam! Didn't stay in for long, but it invigorated me for a few big days of sewing.

This is what the house looked like shortly after we started moving in, lots of trestle tables starting to be added to the beautiful house, I think the neighbors thought we were some kind of cut and run sweatshop! But 13 women with a mission need space!

This is my spot...also a few minutes after moving in. It did not look this good for very long! Nowhere I work ever stays clean for long!

I couldn't start anything new until I finished off my Quilts for leukeumia quilt, so it was first, I am hoping to get it all finished off and in the post soon.
Back to the real world today, groceries, lamb marking, feeding kids and workers, it's now after midnight and I have been watching to see if Roger comes back from 2 sets down but I may have to give in...just as he seems to be! So I will just leave you a snippet of the many quilts you will see in the next few days....

Hope life is good, have agreat day, Tracey


  1. Oh Tracey, that looks like a fabulous place for a retreat. A swim???? You must be kidding!!!! Brr.

    Yes, back to the real world!

  2. retreats are always so good to regroup.......

  3. What fun! It's very brave of you to go swimming!

  4. You are a spartan swimming at Port Fairey, House looks wonderful for a retreat.

  5. Don't think I actually saw the house looking like that!!!!! By the time I arrived you had all well and truly settled in and 'spread'!! Love that photo of the rainbow. You were crazy swimming but maybe we should of all tried it with the amount you achieved!!! A great weekend with great company!


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