Monday, March 08, 2010

One day til d-day..or is that b-day!

I must have held my mouth right and have internet connection tonight, yay!!
Well, that is one big stack of trimmed string blocks, looks a good sign? Well, watch this space tomorrow to see if the quilt is handed over to my girl on time! They have ended up huge blocks, over 13 inches trimmed, I allowed for a lot of trimming and didn't need to do too much. Next time I wouldn't make them so big when using children's clothes, if I hadn't had a number of bigger recent dresses and a bunny rug I never would have been able to manage to get enough of the long strips in the middle of the strings blocks.

Very little of my girl's clothes collection will go to waste, even the trimmed offcuts have a job. Can you guess?

Had quilters here on Friday night, Robyn is making a braid one from the jelly roll book Dawn sent me in Chooky's Christmas swap. Virtually no waste and the cutting came together really quickly, I love the look of them, of course it's now added to the list! I am going to have to live a long, long time to make this list....Tonight there's only one quilt on the list that I better run! Have a great day, Tracey
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  1. I know YOU can pull off miracles. I can't wait to see it finished and presented.

    That braid quilt is so pretty. I have always loved that pattern.

  2. Ok, if you can finish that in time I think you are amazing. I looked at that pile and calculated I would need a year to put it together lol. I am definately no quilter. Cant wait to see if you lived up to the challenge

  3. Dd will have hours of fun time remembering where she wore this piece to, and all the stories that will come from this quilt will be amazing

  4. hope you got that quilt finished........and I like the look og that braid one........what book is it in?????

  5. Your list must be miles long....


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