Monday, March 01, 2010

Daughter's Memory quilt..Step 2!

It looks much brighter than this, bright yellows, pinks and blues...her cat, Magnum, is helping!

We have an amazing amount of progress so far on the birthday quilt..especially considering the birthday girl has been home with a cold. As of 5 minutes ago there are 19 out of probably 42 blocks done, just needing to be trimmed to exact size later on. They're all around the 13 inches at this point. I showed my little boy and he was flat out telling me which fabric came from what dress, so if a 9 yo boy can pick them out, she should have fun!
It's late here, i am watching the olympics closing and the light is shocking for photos, but I still took you a few progress pics.
The strips are all cut, the next 23 foundation blocks are all cut and have 2 strips attached, so I am on the home stretch for getting it together sooner rather than later. When I get a chance to just sit and sew like this it makes me wonder why I don't spend more days this there really much better fun than watching something bright and fun appear from a heap of now unwanted fabrics/clothes? I can't think of anything anyway!
Tune in soon for the next exciting installment..and have a great day!


  1. ow much fun for her to 'spot the dress' when you are all done. The fabric for my birthday quilt has landed apparently. Squeeeeeeeee! What fun.

  2. It looks like such a great project, Tracey. I have done quilts for the granddaughters using fabrics that I have used in making outfits for them. They always love to "spot" their clothing. She will LOVE it!!!!

  3. Tracey...the quilt is going to be lovely!!!!

  4. keep going ...........looking good.........

  5. Doing well Tracey. Love the colours and the helper is so cute.

  6. WOW! It is looking impressive, and such memories for you and your daughter....

  7. Well done Magnum. I love the colours you put together, especially that pink by the blue.

  8. Looking good!!! I'm saving the boys' t-shirts to make them a quilt.. one day!!

  9. I agree, nothing better than to sit and sew (and have a cat nearby) and create! The quilt progress looks great. She'll love it.

  10. Great progress. It really does look bright and pretty too, just like little girls dresses should do!

  11. Looking great so far.....not long now for all to be revealed!!! I bet she'll love it!
    :O) sugary hugs

  12. You've got a true heirloom in the making - she's just going to love it!

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