Monday, June 08, 2009

Two more finishes.

The Lone Star finish got me in the mood, so in between working on bushfire quilts and chasing sheep I have finished another couple of UFOs.

We celebrated my older niece's 4th birthday today, she received her big girl quilt to go along with her book I showed last post. I made a matching one of these for her doll's bed as well.

I also finished this little baby quilt/throw. It is made from Fig and Plum charm squares and about a half a yard of coordinating green, with the cream binding. There are cream daisies (in the binding colour) appliqued on. I was bored with this just as squares and had sat it aside...(a fatal mistake here!), then visited Anne Ida's blog and her daisies were just the inspiration I needed! They need a green button in the centre yet.
I just backed it in cosy polar so the appliquing is the quilting, I did it in a light pink to make the back as useable as the front.
I tried a different binding, just because the nights are lonely!! I folded the binding strip in half and ironed the fold down. Then folded each side under and pressed, then sewed through all layers onto the quilt. Very quick and easy for a basic blanket.
Took some more pictures of the quilts before they diasappeared, with my some of my favourite props. Did you notice the pink one has a little daisy in the right bottom corner, this is because I put the scissors through the sashing when i was cutting off threads this morning!! I have decided to keep some of the pink dot material aside, I told my sister we can add a daisy every time a texta is left open on it, paper scissors go astray or it is jumped on and the seams come loose... I wonder how many daisies will end up on the quilt in the next 6 years?????!!!
My mother-in-law is entering her 3rd week of struggle, the medication is finally keeping her peaceful.
Have a good day...and happy pretend birthday to the Queen today, my kids enjoyed your Monday holiday to visit their cousins and see "A night at the Museum 2" which we all thoroughly enjoyed."


  1. Both quilts are beautiful. What a fun way to repair lifes little accidents! If only all the scissor strays were so easily corrected.

  2. Just had to comment on that good looking rooster, he is a gorgeous colour

  3. Well done and great idea with the daisies!

  4. Your little niece's pointy-toed pose is the cutest! Love the quilt and the pic. Congrats on some more finishes--I have one finish for June so far but it's been months since the one before that!

  5. Great quilts - love the Fig and Plum one!
    x Sarah


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