Thursday, June 11, 2009

Feeding time

On a happy note...
Feeding time at our zoo...I really don't have enough hands for 7 babies!

An almost newsworthy set of twins..
On a sadder note...
RIP to Grandma. A very tough 3 week journey at it's end.


  1. tracey!
    these lambs are cute cute!
    sorry to hear about your granny, i lost mine last august; she was the one who teach me to love knitting and sewing; and still think a lot " i must show "nonna" this or that"
    kind regards, vivi
    ps: the lone star you posted in may, 30th is A w e s o m e!!!!!!!!

  2. gosh those babies are so adorable, wish they didn't have to grow up. i'd be snuggling them all day.
    so sorry to hear about grandma. may she always be at peace.
    julie x

  3. so sorry to hear about your mother in law - your post with all that new life in the pens reminds me that as one door closes another opens

  4. thinking of you at this sad time
    hugs Beth

  5. Tracey,
    So sorry to hear about granmas passing.....I know that it has been a difficult time for you all. My prayers go to you and your family.
    Hugs, Barb

  6. What adorable lambs! You do need a few more hands to help with feeding times. I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. I'm sending some positive prayers your way.

  7. Oh Tracey. That picture brings back lot of childhood memories. I grew up with lambs and now I have calves. lol

    Sorry to here about Grandma. Sleep peacefully Grandma. No more pain.
    Thinking of you and your family.

  8. thinking of you and the family.........

    love the lambs they are so cute when you get a black one.......

  9. So sorry about your mother-in-law. You all pulled together for her. Love all those little lambies! New life just keeps on coming!

  10. Sorry to hear about her passing Tracey. Thinking of you

  11. So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Even when you expect it, there's such a hole left by that person. My sympathies to all the children, grands, and inlaws who held her dear.

  12. I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love to you all


  13. Sorry to hear about your dmil, Tracey. My prayers go to the whole family at this time.

  14. Sweet lambs...but such sad news of Grandma MIL passing. Will keep your family in my thoughts as you work through the days and months ahead. I suspect she knew she was leaving her boy in very good and able hands.
    Hugs, Kim

  15. Oh very sorry to hear your sad news. I hope the family are all OK.

    Your lambs are just adorable.

  16. Ah Tracey, sorry to hear your MIL lost her fight, but at the same time I'm glad the struggle is over. Big hugs to you.

    PS The black and white lambs are terribly cute.

  17. Thinking of you and the family.
    The lambs tell it all.

  18. So sorry to hear about Grandma. Sending warm thoughts your way.

  19. May you find peace in this time of loss.

  20. Oh Tracey, heck I am playing catch up and was reading from the bottom up. I am so so so incredibly sorry to hear of your MIL's passing.


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