Sunday, November 02, 2008

Surprise mail, markets and gardens.

Oh, I wish you were here to hear the beautiful melody of heavy rain on the roof! There is no sound better with late crops that haven't yet seen a shower and only about half an inch of rain all spring! It is forecast to be on and off all week so we are hopeful.
I have another piece of excitement tonight! Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville has written a book that is completely my thing, about recycling shirts to make fabulous quilts...and the way the world is at present that is sounding better and better!
I was intending buying it, then our dollar dropped overnight and I decided to perhaps wait a while,but, lo and behold, in the mail, this appeared!
And it is fabulous, but I couldn't work out who it was from, Bonnie inscribed it from 'your secret swap partner', I thought maybe it was her, but she assures me it is not! I so love a mystery and can't believe someone has found the perfect thing for me, I feel like Diane Keaton in "Something's got to give"..when she says about Jack being a person who actually "gets" her!! So thank you secret swap buddy, I really appreciate being "got'!! My only fear is that i was meant to keep it until Christmas but I didn't know it was a gift and there was no wrapping, so I will just maintain mystified and thankful..and as I told aint coming back!!
Huge week, as usual of late it seems, tomorrow I am hoping to do the rounds of a blogline list that I gave up checking when it hit 1000! I envisage lots of coffee for that catch up.
Had a market yesterday,
made lots of these little girl gift bags
and these plastic coated purses
and had lots of cards, the new card holder quilt worked a treat.
Had a great morning, lots of stuff went and I have orders for a baby quilt, a plastic coated beach bag, 5 santa sacks...and a girl wanted the ducks she saw on the cards so came and picked a heap of the little darlings up after!
I visited the local kinder's open garden on my way home, beautiful old station bluestone home. The garden was suffering a little from the hot north winds and 30's temps of last few weeks but was still photo worthy so i will leave you with it...
I loved this, succulents planted in the open bricks on top of the fence.
Have a great day, Tracey


    i am waiting to buy the book too, soon hopefully.
    I love those little zippered bags.
    my dd's would love those .
    glad you had a great market .

  2. What a fabulous book, you couldn't have been given anything better. All your sewing market things are just amazing. I so miss going to the craft markets I used to down the coast when I lived further east.

  3. I didn't know Bonnie had a book out I guess but she is so good at her scraps. Also loved your photos of the old building, especially the succulents.

  4. Great looking book, may have to check that out, and such good news on the rain. Love all the things you've made, made me tired looking at it all. My gosh do you ever sleep? Such gorgeous blooms. Have a great week.

  5. What a great surprise!

    Love the pictures of the garden, especially the succulents.

  6. I'm totally floored, I have been coveting that book since I saw it on Quiltville. You are a lucky girl, you are indeed, and, your market table looked spiffy with your card quilt showing of your beautiful cards. Orders and poultry sales, lol, sounds like a Farmers Market that's for sure! You deserve a surprise in the mail. Enjoy!

  7. 58 points here last night but nothing forecast for the rest of the week.......harvest had started a little further the new book very lucky and your card stall looks they say no rest for the

  8. Wow, spoiled rotten!

    I love the little gift bags you made, very girly.

  9. Busy, busy! Great gift you received. And wow to the kindy garden - stunning!


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