Sunday, October 26, 2008

Horse and canola pictures

So hot and windy here that the canola crop is just about finished flowering, but last weekend it was still in full bloom and friends bought their horse out to get some pictures, they also bought a professional photographer out with them, there isn't a lot of difference between our photos so I could have saved them a few hundred there!
I know there are a lot of horse lovers out there..and a few canola lovers by the sound of it, so here are a few I liked...
I taught the young lady on the horse in 3 yo kinder, then in Prep, now she is close to finishing school-kids growing up so fast makes me feel old!

The mountains are the start of the Grampians mountain range, great climbing, lots of School camping grounds and tourist spots up there. They start about half an hour from here and go on for hundreds of kilometres.
Off to spend some quality time with a Dh who is going to have to start cutting hay that isn't really long enough and even some crops tomorrow, not overly happy about that but you can't make it rain.
Leaving you with one of my latest cards as my thought for the day-our babies aren't babies for long!


  1. Tracey,
    Love the photos.....especially the baby card. Those sweet little hands....children are the hardest subjects and yet the most rewarding. Have a great week, Barbara

  2. Love that card. Is the canola as "soft" as it looks? It looks almost feathery and like it just gets easily pushed out of the way when someone rides or walks through it. I am fascinated by these fields of canola you have! Can you tell? :)

  3. Oooh WOW! I agree, you could have done the photo shoot for them!

  4. Yes, all kids grow too fast! Love the horse head and rider head in the canola shot!

  5. Yep they grow way to fast :D My baby turns one in December! Love your blog :)

  6. Great photos!! Funny but I recognise that girl and horse!!! Hasn't time flown??

  7. Stunning photos! I didn't realise canola got so tall.

  8. Love the photo's. I could not believe my eyes seeing the pretty yellow flowers. And then they are so tall. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Fantastic photos.

    Yup - they grow up far too quickly. Have mailed you my address.

  10. Great photos. I have looked at your photos and I know I have seen those mountains in the background. I think it is where they do rockclimbing N.W. of Geelong

  11. love the horses and canola and shearing.............nice my calendars on Friday.......


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