Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Detox amongst the flowers.

School holidays and the lead up to shearing are cutting into sewing and blog time, my apologies for that. I'll catch up on everyone eventually-and yes, my family's team were the unlucky losers in the football! We wont talk about that!

I am trying to have a detox week, lots of fruit and vegie juice, no alcohol and little or no coffee....let me give you a tip, don't try to give up coffee and rubbish food the week you make over 300 biscuits for shearing, far too many with choc bits!!! Tomorrow is homemade sausage rolls and pinwheels...also not conducive to juice!
Well, I'll live. Looking forward to visiting you all and seeing lots of sewing; until then, here are some garden pics.

I am having a lot of trouble picking out which one lends itself to a card and as I am into bees I do want to choose one of them. Can you help ? ...And I have some hatching ducklings and some Heather Bailey play...stay tuned and have a great day, Tracey


  1. Coffee would be the most difficult for me . . . I have cut way back over the years, but I still enjoy a good fresh cup (or two *s*) every morning.

  2. I can see why you're having problems choosing a favorite. If you want all bee then the last but as far as flower and bee...they're all good. I like the second picture's compostion but the colour is more intense in #1 and #3. Hah, I didn't help did I?

  3. You take such amazing pictures. I like the last one best.

    Oooh, I couldn't give up coffee; how about you switch to decaf?

  4. Oh what choices!! I love the first and the last ones, I think you might need cards of both of these!!
    Bad week to detox......

  5. I love all of your photos. They would all look good on a card. Coffee is my only thing that keeps me sane and blogging.

  6. I know I'm coming down with something when I don't feel like a coffee.
    The photos are all good but if I had to pick, I'd go for #1 or #4.

  7. I like the first one, isn't it funny, I took photos of my pink pig face yesterday too. Didn't manage to catch a bee though.

  8. Tracey the photos are all stunning!!
    Hard to choose I think, but I do like the 2nd and the 4th...Oh and the 1st and the
    They're just amazing!
    Sounds like a balanced approach to your health kick...thumbs up!!

    Robyn xx

  9. Glad you popped by my blog too.
    You are most welcome...thanks!!

    Robyn xx

  10. I love the second photo with the off set flower and bee. They're all beautiful. Looking forward to more baby bird photos and can't wait to see what you do with your Heather Bailey fabric. I haven't cut into mine yet.

  11. I can smell those home made sausage rolls from here!!! YUM! Good luck with the detox. I think the top photo for card. LOVELY

  12. Oh my gosh, your will power is amazing, not to mention your stamina doing all that baking. As for the pictures I like no. 2 best.

  13. Wow, great images. I really like the 2nd one fromthe top. partial flower and shole side of the bee. Very nice image!

  14. From one card making photographer to another...the first photo is "stunning" and the one I would choose. Well done; Judith

  15. not sure which one is my favourite like them all... but think you will have to join in with the snappy crew......have fun with shearing.......


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