Friday, September 26, 2008

Out in the garden

Oh the excitement, the tingle in the toes, the sheer joy......

Tomorrow the rest of the family's team plays in the Grand Final of the Australian football league. This is our equivalent of the Superbowl. I am kinda excited, it's not quite the same when it isn't your actual team, the family team won last year after over 40 years of no premierships. I was right on board then, this year i particularly dislike the opposition, too many 80's memories of them winning everything!! So I will probably board the bandwagon and say, 'Go Cats!' quite enthusiastically.

But, that's not the only excitement I am sharing. I get a huge amount of joy out of a girl who hatches a baker's dozen so i even snuck out in the middle of the night to get hatching pics for you....knew those fluffy silky frizzle cross feathers would be good for sitting.

I just never get sick of this-mammal babies are pretty impressive...but the whole hatching from an egg!

I then attempted to get the perfect chicken picture to share...i will never be a professional chicken photographer that's for sure-look at these tries.

Do they have no concept of "stand still and smile or I will withhold the chick crumble??"(-works on the!!)

This is my favourite.

They are all out and about today in their little fox proof wire cage. I have got my kids back...with they and their cousins have spent a good part of today just sitting watching the chicks meet their world.

When I dug up all my front garden months ago I dumped a lot of the arum lilies into pots and threw them in a corner with a few other pots, empty, dead and otherwise. I wondered past that today and spotted colour -in my favourite shade of pink.

Now last year someone told me that cyclamen are bulbous and will regenerate. (Bit of Doctor Who there-the regeneration bit and the fact he definitely used to battle some things that sounded a lot like cyclamen!)


But I'm getting distracted.....Closer inspection found a cyclamen pot, well and truly neglected, that just goes to prove what I found out last year....that I have thrown out a lot of good cyclamens in the past because I thought they were dead and not dormant. It is now flowering beautifully at my front door after 12 months of neglect. My Mum is going to freak because she has thrown out a good 2 pots of "dead" cyclamen a year, treats them almost like cut flowers. Who knew this was a "things you can learn about your garden blog"!!!I'll have to ask for more pay!

Have a great day... and for peace and harmony in the home, GO CATS!!


  1. Aww! Cute lil chicks. I love your chick photos there is nothing wrong with them.

    Good luck for the games.

  2. Why do your children eat 'chick crumb'?

  3. Aren't they cute??? Glad you managed to get shots of them hatching.

    Our cyclamen go on for years here. I love them. I always thought they came from dropped seeds as they grow in the ground under my pots.

  4. oh same here - totally abandoned cyclamen is happiest, it regenerates every year and in between we just completely ignore it.

  5. How nice of you to wander the midnight hours to visit the chicks and take darling photos for us!

    I hope your team wins.

  6. Love the chicks even if they wouldn't sit still and smile for you...vbg. As for the cyclamens....when the leaves die down tip the pots on their side and leave them somewhere you won't forget them then when they start reshooting water and enjoy. If you tip the pots to the side then the bulb won't be prone to rot from too much water. If you bring them inside in pots the old saying is treat them like the cat - put them out at night as they like the cold. Maybe not politically correct regarding the cat these days - but trust me it works.

  7. Sorry about the final. I have bad memories of the Hawks from the 80s too...

    Loved your chicken pictures - I like baby chickens lol

  8. How are the kidlets after the disaster on Saturday, I'm absolutely gutted over it. As for the chickies, how totally cute. They don't take long to go from gooey to fluffy do they?

  9. Love the pics of the new chicks!! dawn

  10. What sweet fuzzy little chicks . . . my fave is #2.

  11. The new hatchlings are cute.Hope all the family are not to disappointed with saturday's result...2 very sad Cat fans here.

  12. Gorgeous little chicks! Birth is a miraculous event, isn't it?

  13. I have put a photo of Mere Male with the cup from last year on my blog, just for all the Cat supporters.Geelong town is very quiet this week. Bulbs are marvelous aren't they, if they feel inclined they just pop up again with out us doing much.

  14. Oh these photos are SO cute!! I think the little chickens would be real time wasters. I would just sit and watch them!!
    We have a cyclamen that just keeps going year after year with no special treatment. Looking the best this year, have a look on the front verandah next time you drive past!!

  15. Hi Tracey, thank you for the pics of the chicks.Nothing like mother nature.Afraid when I plant my cyclamen out they croak.Regards lyn


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