Saturday, September 20, 2008

Swap bag successfully globetrots to the US!

Stephanie dropped me a line today to say that she had received her bag from Linda's swap. I will take her word that she was happy!

I can show you now......
Stephanie is a fabulous bag maker, she comes up with great bag ideas and I was a little daunted about just sending something she could just as easily whip up herself. I had a think and remembered the fabulous photo she had shared of her favourite corner of the house. Her husband had made her a flying geese stain glass window that I was in awe of, also a lampshade, and she had them with her antique sewing machine.
I didn't think she would mind if I uploaded the pic for the greater good, then i converted it to Colouring book with some old Kodak software-

Via the lightbox I traced it on some Osnaberg and we ended up with this
I just highlighted the lighter parts of the stain glass lamp, I practised on another bit of fabric trying to outline the whole thing but it just came out messy.
Stephanie said she liked green and red so I used some Madeira fabric to turn it into a tote.

This was a really fun swap that challenged me to try something I hadn't done before- a great part of the swap process. Thanks to Linda for organizing it,
Have agreat day, Tracey


  1. Tracey how wonderful to see the process you went through to make this gorgeous bag just for me. I love it!!!

  2. That's a wonderfully personalised bag, very cute too.

  3. So glad you enjoyed the swap, now aren't you the clever bunny. Terrific bag.

  4. You did a great job on that bag! I recognized the picture right away (who could forget that fabulous lamp!). You are one talented lady.

  5. Tracey, you are brilliant! This is the best bag that you could possibly make for Stephanie and no doubt she will always treasurer it. Very special indeed. Love it!

  6. You did an amazing thing -- and personalized that bag so well!! Gorgeous work!

  7. What a wonderful thoughtful gift

  8. I just saw this on Stephanies blog, it's amazing.

  9. That's fantastic Tracey and very thoughtful.

  10. Wow! This is an impressive bag, what a great idea and so much thought went into it.

  11. You have truly a generous heart I love, that you put in so much love into your swap gift. Very heartwarming.

  12. Tracey - you totally made my day with this post. I have had a mini-quilt idea ticking around in my brain for months but just couldn't figure out how to change the pic to outlines for it - YAY . I have that software too - Is "I Love you" too much????

  13. What a wonderful idea for the bag! I bet she loved it, being personalised like that.

  14. Hi Tracey,
    Your swap bag is just great. You are so innovative.
    Kind regards from Liz

  15. What a fabulous bag and how she must love it! Thanks for the little tutorial on your 'how to'.


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