Monday, September 22, 2008

Quilters group show and tell.

It is very late here. I have just finished watching the Brownlow Medal count. The Brownlow is the Best and Fairest Award for Australian Rules Football. I always stay up and watch it-many a quilt has been basted or bound over it's often 4 hour duration.
Until this year I have always been up by myself but tonight my boy, who is on School holidays, stayed up to join me in the hope that his favourite player, G@ry Ablett, would win.

He missed votes in the last game and lost by 2 votes....and my boy actually cried! It is sad to be 8 and see your hero miss out-but as my Dad would say, it's character building.-and I think Gary has many good years left in him. His Geelong cats team winning the premiership again this Saturday will fix a lot of wounds...but is definitely not a given!

Enough football, I have some Show and Tell from Quilters.

Kerrin is working on her churn dash. It is all going to be on point.

Robyn is working on her son's sheep quilt. This is from a 7 or 8 year old magazine (that I even have somewhere!) and is a wonderful block.

Mirinda has been stitching this...

.......and this....

-and I was working on my friend's mums strings. Made with all her 5 daughters clothes scraps from the 70's. I am loving these colours.

In the morning I am off to take my kids to their grandparents for the night. It must be nearly 12 months since they ventured there on a sleepover...let's hope they are brave enough to head out the door in the morning. Then I will have to decide whether to:1. Sleep for 2 days 2. Exercise for 2 days or 3. Sew for 2 days.....hmmmmm, you shall have to wait and see!

Have a good day, Tracey


  1. Great colors in the string quilt. How much fun that will be all finished! After the kids are off I'd be sewing for 2 days! Have fun.

  2. I thought that those sheep were acorns!

  3. I, too, love the way the string quilt is turning out. The colors are great.

    The completed bag looks incredible. I know that the recipient must be absolutely thrilled with the results.

  4. Wow, those are all lovely projects. I especially like the stitchery. Do you know if they are her own designs or from patterns? If they are patterns would you mind letting me have the details? I can see Christmas presents for 2 friends!

  5. I love show and tell . . . always so inspiring *s*

  6. Oh how sad for your boy to be upset about his hero. You tell him not to worry, his despair will be shortlived when the cats win on Saturday !!!

    Love all the stitcheries, beautiful work.

  7. They're all really cute, but I love the sheep...and we don't even have any!

  8. Hmmm sleep, exercise or sew.... I would skip the second and perhaps add chocolate and some trashy tv viewing!!

  9. Hi Tracey,
    I love your strings quilt. Lovely and bright and once again using the scraps. I hope to try this technique one day.
    Kind regards from Liz

  10. The string quilt looks great..Sorry to hear your son disappointed with G@ry not winning. Have 2 die hard Cat fans that can't wait till Saturday.....Go Cats....


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