Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Do you have exciting temptations?
I went to neighborhood Bible Study today, it was on David and Bathsheba and talked about temptations, and how they catch up on you, the more you see something the more you want it. They may have been expecting a more exciting confession than mine, which was,
"Yeah, I know what you mean, when i started surfing the net to look at Heather Bailey's new fabric last night I was blase, but by the time I had checked it all out on all possible websites 2 hours later, it was coming home to me!!!"
Hmmm, this either means I need to get a life, OR I should tell my husband that fabric is saving our marriage!

Here is a link to Heather's blog if you want a peek. If you haven't seen the new range, definitely grows on you. I don't know about a whole quilt, but I see Summery bags at least.

I shouldn't send you to Heather's blog, it is so perfect and sweet you probably wont come back!!! I don't visit often, it makes me feel a little underachievish-you know, like visiting the absolutely perfect housewife we all know that you can never catch with her house less than perfect...but she catches you on the day you decide to clean out every kitchen cupboard at once while drying the washing in your kitchen and getting absorbed on the 'net/called out to the paddock/just quickly finishing a quilt for a quilt swap- so you haven't wiped your bench. Please tell me I am not the only one that happens to!!

Another little temptation caught my eye this week. It is the new Robert Gordon pottery range, aptly titled, "Stitches teaset". This is just the sugarbowl to whet your appetite!

Off to cook tea, tomorrow I show up to my second gym circuit session followed by Pilates-I need to start mentally preparing myself now-(and those Olympians think they have it tough!!)
Big life question though, if I did 2 hours exercise last Wednesday, why can't I be thin already!! i'll leave you to ponder that.....


  1. If I didn't know better, I'd think that you've seen my place on one of those days, lol.

  2. Too many tempting things for me to even think about listing *s*

  3. Apart from the 'finishing a quilt' bit you have just described my house on a good day!

  4. Hi Tracey,
    I so totally agree about Heather Bailey. Her fabrics are stunning.
    I have just recently bought a 1/2m piece of her new range with the most gorgeous large flowers which I think will have to be a bag to do justice to the large print.
    I never get visitors when my house is tidy they always seem to come when I'm in a mess. Now I couldn't be bothered take me as I am. I'd rather be quilting!!!!
    Have a great day.
    Kind regards from Liz

  5. I did visit Heather's blog and as beautiful as it is I won't stop visiting yours, you make me feel very normal!! I have however decided that I also NEED some of her new fabric and once again it is being blamed on you!!!

  6. tracey!
    i love the sugarpot, how pretty...
    have you heard this phrase?
    "i generally avoid temptation, unless i can't resist it"
    mae west said it first, but it could be me also..
    what about you?
    big kisses, vivi

  7. There is never any such thing as "just run out to the barn for a minute."

    Yesterday, I had all kinds of plans, beginning with a morning workout. When I got home, my husband was out in the paddock hollering for me because the buck had gotten loose and was standing amongst the does. You know, "standing."

    I did get my laundry done last week, though.


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