Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quilt retreat, Part 2.

I have spent 3 wet and muddy days weaning calves in the yards this week, discovered I do have some muscles in the back of my legs! That mud was very deep by the finish!

I can't do a Pioneer woman and show you a heap of photos of this as I am the cowboy...and I am far too busy pushing bulls and big cow's bottoms out of my face before they decide that kicking me is a good idea, to take any photos! And I also struggle enough to always be in the correct spot and DH wouldn't understand that letting a few calves through was fine in the interests of a good pic for the blog!!
So we will have to stick with more photos from retreat-and a few from the Saturday Quilt group I visited for a few minutes yesterday before catching up with friends to see Mamma Mia. I really enjoyed Mamma Mia-though Pierce should stick to Bond rather than a possible musical career! My girl really loved it-have heard nothing but Abba in the lead up or since! Small aside, I thought I should chat to her about the "3 possible father storyline" before we left. I bought it up and was promptly put back in my place, she looked at me and said, "Mum, I've known all about that for weeks-but I am not going to DO it!!"
Retreat pics....
Helen's Roman Holiday.

An interesting effect with Chris' Kaffe fassett.

And her other one.

Anne finished this cushion and at Saturday Quilter's yesterday she was working on this one.

One of the Saturday ladies was working on Sunbonnet Sue for her Great niece. The needle turn applique was perfect. She is now hand quilting it.

The Chocolate cat was at the Saturday group, she received this lovely bag in the mail this week.
It's another possible idea for Linda's bag swap.

This is going to be my new pot holder, it is some of the edges I trimmed off my bed quilt, all sewn together-you know I hate waste! I kind of like the effect they give and it's nice and thick.
Off to clean my office benches...oh what unbridled joy!
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. lots of great sewing here.........were have some weaning to do but I am to busy at the moment......will have to wait a few weeks..........found myself mouthing lambs today.......thankgoodness they went on the truck this afternoon.........

  2. What a work out that must have been *yikes*

  3. Better than going to the gym! I like that little bag a lot :)

  4. Oh I have great admiration for the lady who did the needleturn. I have done that in one project and never again, the tips of my fingers with that very fine needle very nearly didn't survive!

    Gorgeous works ladies.

  5. Hi Tracey,
    Just popping in to say hi and have a peek at all your cute things! Sorry I haven't been by too often, I'll try to do better now that school is getting ready to start!

  6. Hey, a Cowgirl's work is never done. Heehaw. All things quilty are looking good there, that must have been one fabulous retreat from the look of all the sewing finished up. I have no doubt that I would park myself in front of that ocean view window and stay there for nearly the entire weekend, only to sew after dark.


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