Thursday, June 19, 2008

We have action!!

"Oh Donna, Oh Donna..

I know a girl, Donna is her name and since she met me (at Quilters and stitchers fair) , life's never been the same......."

Why?? Because she reminds me constantly about the great quilting frame in my sewing room that I haven't been using!!!

Well, Donna at chookyblue, do I have news for you!!

On my second afternoon of cleaning I finally got my sewing room to this stage, so i can see the quilting frame. (I took a before shot but am too humiliated to share!!)

I got the other side to an organised stage like this..


with some handy new Aldi containers. Lots of fabrics sorted by projects, i think that will work for me...and I can see them! Dh will have a fit when he sees more shelves and containers, One and a quarter walls are fully shelved ( & full!)-but, the search for the perfect container is a woman's never ending search for some kind of organisational Utopia! Life will be organized there!

As I could see the quilt frame I proceeded to get it to work. The frame was initially set up wrong, then I found out the machine was set up wrong, today i had the time and inclination to fix it and we got results.

TA Da!! Real honest to goodness quilting!

Well, if you don't look too close it's not too bad!

Soon got bored with a play piece so decided to work on one of my million tops.

Having fun getting my stitches to be even but I will perfect it if it kills me as a stitch regulator was a LOT! Do you remember what they quoted at the Quilt fair Donna?

I was very naughty-I just used vintage chenille on the back so noone will be able to see how badly this first one went.

I have only been able to get stitch in the ditch type patterns up to here, I am loving the stipple look.

Actually, i think I may be in love. Maybe I will join the get 5 things done by July challenge!

Have a great day and remember you have 2 days to comment...on this or the last post-I'm pretty relaxed about giveaways, for the chance to have some cards come your way


Julz said...

Wahoo - there will be no stopping you now! Machine quilting will take on a whole new adventure for you with your new toy. Have fun - look forward to seeing closeups of your work. Hugs Julz

Chookyblue...... said...

OMG you singing Richie Valens and Ric rac was doing ABBA last week.........LOL LOL

you are such a cack.......I tried to sing it to dh but I could only laugh........

well thank goodness you finally found the machine in the room and got it going.....look how much fun you just couldn't help your self and continue.......

oh and yes I remember you saying well i will just have to make my stitches the right legth without the gadget.......

now I want to see 5 done for the challenge........come one get a move along.......I will hassle you again........

Oh and isn't life good since you met me in

May Britt said...

You must use your quilting machine and finish up your quilting in no time now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet P said...

Wow! Great job on the quilting!

Anonymous said...

I like card #3. Good for you on getting the machine going.
Connie W (formerly Simply Quilted blog, now Cootie Bug)

Kristie said...

How exciting!!! You have such a large sewing room! What kind of machine and frame do you have?? You are really doing a wonderful job.

Anonymous said...

What a giggle, oops I meant to say loved the song. *S* You'll get five finished in no time at all with the help of your frame.

loulee said...

Woah! Steady now! You'll get a reputation if you get 5 finishes in!
Have fun with your frame, by relaxing and enjoying using it, you'll get used to it and be showing us all how it's done in no time.

Elaine Adair said...

Woot, Woot Woot!!! And look how great you're doing! Why ever did you NOT use it all this time? 8-))

McIrish Annie said...

the more you practice, the better, smaller and evener(is that a word?) your stitches will get. Forget about the stitch regulator, you will have this down in no time.

sewkalico said...

I almost snorted when you mentioned your DH having a fit. Mine had one today at all my mess. I have GOT to do something about it soon!!
Well done on getting stuck in, I bet there are many like me who are very envious of your new set-up!

Jodie said...

ha, maybe now you will get a break from Chooky??? Hardly - she'll have you quilting day and night .
I agree about the search for the perfect container.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

You go girl....our Chookyblue does have a way of motivating it looks like so much fun, enjoy...

Lissa Jane said...

Oh dear.. if I had a long arm machine and a room for it, I'd be moving my bed in there and not ever leaving!!!! LOL

We'd have 'fendfer' dinners too..

fender dinner - fend fer yerself...

Libby said...

What fun! Stipple is my favorite. Quilts just wrinkle up so nice and cuddly when they've been stippled, washed and dried *yum*

Calidore said...

Well done on the quilting and cleaning of the craft room. Want to come and clean mine??? No - you're no fun...vbg. Love the stippling. I have had my machine for about 6 years and only now am I branching out and trying other stuff. The nicest thing about stippling is who is going to know if you make a mistake...vbg. So long as the quilt is together and you are happy then that's all that matters.

Jo-Anne said...

I think your stitches are just fine!! Keep up the good work!
Your sewing room is HUGE! I had to stifle my envy...
In my opinion, a messy sewing room is just part if the fun....I just call it organized chaos!
HAppy Quilting!

Love, love your cute cards.

Ruth said...

That stipple looks great... what a fun quilting machine!

Chocolate Cat said...

I am so impressed, that is one scary looking machine but the results are great!!

Lily Mulholland said...

Well done Tracey - hours of serious fun!

Chookasmum said...

hey Tracey, way to go girl get that machine singing oops quilting. looking forward to seeing lots of quilts quilted.

Patti said...

Oh - good for you! The room looks great, and I'm thrilled that you've started the quilting! I just know you will love doing this, and we'll see more great things from you in the future!

Carol said...

How absolutely fabulous. now we all know where to go to ;-)

Beth said...

I finally figured out...if I want to PRACTICE...I need to load something I DON"T CARE ABOUT! lolol I went stash diving and came up with a crumb type quilt, 3 panels and 2 tops that will be given away. I challenge you! MUAHAHAHAHA! ( I'm just getting used to my new (to me) HQ16)...ready ...set...GO!

Quilting_Basket_Case said...

I just bought a Little Gracie Machine Quilting frame, and I too have not yet purchased the stitch regulator--it is pricey. Maybe later, but I put my Janome Memory Craft on the frame to quilt, and my need came out every few stitches--I worked on it for hours before giving up. I think for now my frame will be a hand stitching frame until I can find a sewing machine that will cooperate with my frame.

Any suggestions? I would really appreciate them from ANYONE!

You can email me at

Enjoyed this blog, by the way!

