Friday, June 06, 2008

Tracey's top 10 for not getting your quilt finished in time

10. Design and implementation alterations. (read: Stuffed up!)

9. Creative clashes. (read:don't like the colours someone else chose)

8. Critical analysis (read: someone dared say it looked bad!)
7 , 6 & 5. Digitally challenged (Read: ran out of time, ran out of camera memory/battery to take the blog photo or cut a finger off with the rotary cutter!)
4. Important business partner dinner. (read: husband has the audacity to expect me to sit down to eat!)
3. Junior staff co-ordinators role. (read trying to get kids to go to bed!)
2. Contract cleaners performance not up to scratch. (read: what cleaning!!!!)
But finally, if I was looking for the #1 reason my niece's, or anyone else's quilt would not be done by tomorrow it would be this.........
A lovely 10 year old daughter who went to bed early and safely(?) home from camp.....
An elevated, bunk high bed.....
a fish tank that seemed far enough away from the bed.

Well, it seemed far enough away from the bed in normal circumstances but when your daughter does some kind of airborne Highland fling in her dreams you end up hearing a bang as you are shutting off the lights for bed and by the time you get to her room you are pulling her from the space between her bed and the tank table.

and feeling for a broken necks and bleeding.

Then the fish tank water she is laying in starts to look like the water around a Jaws victim. Thought I had it sorted, still more red water and there was another big laceration on her upper arm to join the one on her lower.An absolutely horrific feeling to be checking all over your babies body for something that may kill her...when she should be asleep!
So we spent the night mostly in emergency, we've been back to the surgeon today and she is resting comfortably with two 3-4 inch wounds and a lot of huge bruises and grazes.
At about one am in Emergency I whispered to my husband that we were so lucky it wasn't her neck.(head, spinal cord, major artery..!!!..) She heard and replied, "Yes, God can't stop the accidents but he can help!"
That was just about the end of me!
Hope your day was great! Tracey


chook said...

oh dear I hope little miss is better very soon
It is the worst feeling when they get hurt
thinking of you
hugs Beth

Anne Ida said...

Oh, my... Happy she is (more or less) all right! The cuts and the bruises should hopefully go away shortly!

May Kristin said...

Poor little one! Hope she will recover soon! And you too!
Oh boy, kids don't stop surprising us adults! Her words are so full of truth and wisdom!
Take care!

Clare said...

OMG - a mother's nightmare. Glad she is ok, albeit shocked, cut and bruised. At least time will heal these.

Jodie said...

oh, you are so so lucky (in an unlucky way) if you know what I mean. It could have been...well you know.
Give her an extra hug tonight and try to sleep well.
She'll have a great story for school!

Joyce said...

What a horrifying accident! You are right - it could have been much worse but still bad enough. Hope she feels better soon.

Carolyn said...

Oh my, I'm glad she's okay! I hope you both recover quickly!

Elaine Adair said...

OMGosh - the things that can happen! Your stomach must get in knots thinking of the possibilities that COULD have happened!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Wow!! Your poor daughter! I am so glad that she is okay...tell her that we out here in blogland send her our warm thoughts and hugs...and some for you too mum!!

Doodlebug Gail said...

OMG ..... what a night! So glad it wasn't any worse than it was. Take care.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Oh my awful! I hope your daughter is on the mend soon. (((hugs)))

Sweet P said...

Ouch! I hope she heals quickly. I love your Top 10 Reasons for not getting a quilt done.

Your DD is wise. Her comment about God is very insightful.

Anonymous said...

Poor Tracey, you must feel like you've been dragged in the backdoor by the cat. The things we mum's experience. Sending big (((Hugs)) for you and your little sweetie.

Needled Mom said...

How scary! I am so glad that everything turned out okay for her. I take it that the fish did not come out as well.

Chookyblue...... said...

......OMG ..........thank goodness she is okay.......hope the arm heals well........guess some tender loving care is in order and the fish tank will be moved.......a long way form the bed.......

Lissa Jane said...

holy batman.. as long as she is ok.. (did the fish make it too? or did they get to heaven quicker than expected??)
lots of cuddles and a quilt will make her better before you know it!

take care and quilty huggers...


Jo-Anne said...

I am so sorry to hear of your little one's trauma! Our oldest fell off his top bunk at about the same age....he didn't fall into a fish tank though, but a book case. No ER trip for us thank goodness, just a few bandages and lots of hugs fixed him right up.
I hope you all recover quickly and can get back to normal soon.

Libby said...

Oh dear . . . what a scary thing that must have been for all of you. Glad to know that it will turn out okay *s*

Unknown said...

Oh my word - Tracey - poor little mite, she's had such a tough time with her tummy all this past while, what a shame to come home from a brilliant camp and to have this happen. I did smile about her comment about God - kids just say it like it is. On a brighter note I loved your list of reasons - very witty

loulee said...

Best wishes, I hope she heals quickly. I'm glad it wasn't any worse.

QuiltingFitzy said...



Glad all is well, sorry you all had to experience this. Sending good thoughts your way and a special gentle hug for your daughter.

Ruth's Place said...

So glad that she is not badly hurt. I can't imagine how you would have felt!!

Kim said...

Gotta love that flying acrobat daughter of your's, she is a sweetie...didn't want you to worry. Glad she is okay and that you WILL be okay as soon as she heals.

Susie said...

Dear Tracey,
I'm so sorry to hear what your dear daughter has been through (and you as well!)
Saying "it could have been so much worse" is small consolation, I know.
My prayers are with you.

Shelina said...

Wow how scary and unexpected! I'm glad she's okay, and hope she is feeling better soon.

Calidore said...

Good greif - how's your heart rate after all that. I hope the Little One is feeling heaps better and you are too. Keeping you all in my prayers for no more "accidnets".


Annie said...

Oh Tracey, that sounded terrible - you poor thing - note to self, no fishtank in bedroom - what a night. Hope she is OK..and you too.

Carol E. said...

OMG what a scare! I'm so glad she is not more seriously hurt and that you all survived! Sending big cyber hugs to all of you!!!

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh my goodness! It never happens in halves does it. Must of been so scary for you. Hope she mends quickly. Thinking of you.

Chocolate Cat said...

Meant to ask - how is the turtle????

YankeeQuilter said...

Sounds like a tough little girl! Hope she heals up ok and you get a few moments rest!

Carol said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we dare ask her what she was dreaming about? Poor chicky. I do hope her arm heals and she feels better soonest.

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we dare ask her what she was dreaming about? Poor chicky. I do hope her arm heals and she feels better soonest.

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we dare ask her what she was dreaming about? Poor chicky. I do hope her arm heals and she feels better soonest.

Carol said...

Ooops ~~blush~~ sorry. I thought the computer had frozen and kept hitting publish. Now I'm trying to delete and I can't. Shall slink away to my corner now.

Unknown said...

While catching up on blog reading, I was shocked to read about your dd's night time mishap with the fish tank. Hope all goes well with her healing. And I hope you are doing well after the shock of it all. Sometimes being a mom is just hard.

Sassenach said...

Oh, my -- I hope she's feeling much better by now.

They don't mention things like this during the prenatal classes, do they? Big props to you for keeping your head.