Friday, May 30, 2008

We'll blame it on global warming!

Quick look over my shoulder as I prepare the fastest post in history.

2 reasons for that,
#1. If I can go around the sheep quickly I may get my first 2 hour window to sew in 2 AND A HALF WEEKS!!!!
#2. It is about my recent fabrics splurges.
I have the pile next to me for telling you the names and if my DH walks in I am not sure that the fact that he is gorgeous, patient with a not-always-clean-house and possessing of expert spousal taste will be enough to not get me a major "what the???" response.

"But, you have to understand darling, none of these purchases are my fault.".....
This range from barefoot roses is my sister's fault. She decided it was great for my nieces birthday quilt, so I had to cut up my stash of it, and what is a girl to do when she has to cut up her stash of a current favourite....especially when Shabby fabrics have $11 Australian postage no matter what you buy and 10 % off the whole order???? (Which makes the purchase also their fault!!)

And these dots, same deal, Shabby fabrics $11 postage's fault.
And these we will blame on a sale and the high Australian dollar, also, Blackbird designs whose fabrics I love-for making it! It is madeira.

And these? Completely not my fault. the blue I bought 3 metres of to make a pretty summer dress for my girl...and the fact it now has to go into the stash is her fault for being a little too pale blonde...or perhaps the maker's fault that the blue wasn't a little darker. Oh well, the sacrifices the stash has to make sometimes!
And the pink...oh , that is the craft display convenors' fault from this year's market, she wants a big shabby chic quilt to raffle-so completely not my fault at all.
And these will save us money dear.....they were very cheap backings from the Thrifty needle.

And these...some sanctuary and shadow play...we will go back to the sale and high dollar explanation. I can't be blamed for the high dollar, I'll blame the government...or perhaps globalisation. Yeah, that sounds good, everyone blames everything on that...or is that global warming?
Sound reasonable?


Cathi said...

Blame it on climate change. You're being pro-active and making sure you'll have enough material to make warm quilts for your family in the event there's a global freeze! :-)

Anonymous said...

Plus it's extremely good insulation, just in case that global freeze does occur. Gorgeous fabrics Tracey, now do share with us where you purchased them from.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Have you ever considered writing for a career....very well it all...

Ruth's Place said...

Of course it's not your fault! Love your new fabrics, very pretty.

Jodie said...

Global warming for sure - I can feel it from here.

Chookyblue...... said...

blame it on any thing and everything else but you...........just perfect..........

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh and I LOVE all of the fabrics.......

Chookyblue...... said...

oh and I promise I won't tell lips are sealed........

Lily Mulholland said...

OMG!! $11 postage and a discount? SOLD! LOL. Enjoy :)

Unknown said...

All that fabric buying - lucky you - it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it :o)))

Carol said...

Definitely reasonable and what absolutely delicious fabrics. How about some links to your favourite online stores, may as well enable us! te he.

Sweet P said...

What wonderful fabric purchases. I'm sure you will find great uses for all of them. After all, it's not your fault!

loulee said...

And if I had more time to sew the pile would be smaller. (But I'd need to shop more often)

loulee said...

And of course if you had more time to sew, the pile would be smaller, so it's back to his fault for making you work so hard!
See men are to blame for everything. ;-)

Kim said...

Holy COW!! You've got enough fabric there to open your own quilt shop! erase this from your blog in case your hubby takes a peek. You have to slip this stash out little by little. Over the next TEN YEARS, LOL. These are gorgeous fabrics. Such a deal!

Christine said...

So much gorgeous fabric. Aren't you going to have fun? And we will enjoy seeing what you make.

Calidore said...

So now you have explained just why you need that fabric - do you want to pop over to my place and explain to my ever loving DH just why I feel the need to expand my fabric stash having just drooled over yours....vbg. Love the fabrics -can't wait to see what you make with the mean time it's winter and they will keep your cupboards warm.

Libby said...

Well someone needs to keep the world economy going . . . great that you have been a leading force - you know the rest of us will follow along *s* Great choices!

Liz said...

Hi Tracey,
I have another theory for all the fabric purchasing we quilters do.
What if we have a depression! :(
At least we will have a stash to draw upon when money is tight and the economy falls apart and we need to live on ration coupons.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful fabrics.
PS Tell hubby you are just increasing your assets!!
Take care and kind regards from Liz