Thursday, May 01, 2008

A new day.

Phew...... It is 12.01 am on May 1st, and I just put the last stitch in my Four Seasons swap quilt so it WILL be mailed on time.

So it is a double celebration, because today we took possession of the farm next door. Well, we kind of took over a few weeks ago, it is all completely burnt and most ploughed ready to put lots of that beautiful yellow canola in, but today was the official changeover. The owner is retiring, but staying in the beautiful old house indefinitely, we don't need it...yet.
My girl has decided that it is to be her farm and she is entertaining us hugely with her plans to make money to buy it off us and then her changes and what she is going to farm! She paid for two of the latest calves with her pocket money and birthday money-people gave her birthday money and asked what toy she would get, you should have seen the jaws drop when she answered, "a farm!" She thinks if she buys and sells over the next 8 years she should have farm money and a herd!
We went through the house the other day and she is madly working out where her stuff will go and how many pets she can jam into the formal lounge (??)
She has had a remarkable turnaround since Monday, assisted by a phone consultation with the woman who fixed her in I am still trying to be an alternative therapy believer-it is hard not to be when your daughter is now dancing around the house and intending going to football tomorrow night. So some of the stress is gone from our house for now.
I am hoping she lets me pick fruit from her fig tree when she takes over, I have never had a prolific one and I think I am going to love the new farm's one..
I just love figs-and fig jam. The owner can remember eating figs from it when he was a boy so it is quite old but still fruit bearing. The walnut tree beside it looks good as well.
I am trying to work out how I can ask to keep this, it looks great!
But this will definitely stay-you can't beat a good windmill at dusk.
My lovely friend, Susan who has now been on the other side of the country for nearly a year, sent me some pics tonight. Remember when I auditioned sashing ideas for her Roman Holiday, well here it is with the red I sent her, i think she has done a great job.
She also made a red quilt for a friend of a friend with cancer in her town, i liked this as well.
I think if you click on it you could see the stitcheries better. Susan does great stitcheries...and a happy slightly belated birthday Susan as well-still miss you!
Now it is 12.26 am, where does the day go? Have a good one, wherever you are, Tracey


loulee said...

Good luck with the new purchase. I wish my DD had the same ambition and drive that yours does.

The quilts look great.

Doodlebug Gail said...

Congratulations on your new acquisition. So nice to hear that DD is feeling better and making plans for her future - good for her for having such wonderful ideas.

Libby said...

What a wonderful addition that farm will be and so exciting that your girl has such a fantastic interest to make it her own *s*
Enjoy that fig tree - we tried a couple when I was growing up. Seems that gophers find the roots of a young fig tree a grand delicacy.

Sweet P said...

Wow! Another farm! Congrats to you. Your DD sounds like a future business/farm owner. Good for her!

Patti said...

So glad to hear your daughter is feeling better and didn't have a full blown reoccurance. It's great that she knows what she wants - having a dream is the first step to making it come true. I bet she makes it!

Chookyblue...... said...

congrats on a new farm and fig trees are amazing........usually very old........

Anonymous said...

How exciting for you Tracey, and it's never too early to teach our kids about savings, buying and selling. She soulds like she has good firm goals. Love the quilts your friend did.

Greenmare said...

good luck with the farm thing! the red quilt is fabulous!!!! and the adorable sleeping angel is toooooooo precious for words!

Andrea said...

Your daughter sounds like a right little character - lol ! Glad she is feeling so much better. Lovely post and great quilts.

Clare said...

She sounds a lot happier and is definitely a chip off the block!

I've got a great recipe for fig and walnut chutney. I'll send it to you.

the short half of the rest of it said...

hi Tracey
it's Elizabeth from the LazyGal quilts - you did find me at protagaknits blog :-) almost two weeks ago - sorry I hadn't checked for comments.
I was working on your rose piecing last night, but wanted to use only a chenille - from an old bedspread, sadly learned what happens when you do not put the cover in the wash immediately after the pet has barfed on it, stomach acid eats holes in the fabric! anyway, I think it will eventually work, I'll let you know when I post about it.
the quilts are marvelous! all of them in these recent posts. it certainly brightens my day to see these creations, and the choice to create beauty. and it motivates me as well to return to handwork that I enjoyed when I was younger.
having a child with focus is a wonderful gift :-)
and re: alternative therapies, I am glad you found help there. we have used many gentle alternatives for almost two decades with much success - and at least no harm.
take care,

Unknown said...

So glad that DD is feeling better - I always say, don't knock anything if it works - she also sounds like there's a good deal of business acumen in there - great to have ambition :o)

PossumGirl said...

Love the red tractor-have always wanted an old tractor for my yard!!!

Carol said...

Gorgeous pics, I'm so with you on the windmill in the sunset, beautiful. Fabulous stitching. A feeling better daughter. Life is good huh?

Needled Mom said...

Those are pretty big plans.

Congratulations on the new farm. I love the picture of the windmill - what a beauty!

The red is perfect in that quilt.

Nines said...

You tell your daughter to keep it up! I have a friend whose Grandma did that very thing. She bought a Jersey cow with her wedding money. Then she bought some sheep... then some property... And now she is sitting on $280,000- in the bank and millions in real-estate. All from a Jersey cow! Cool, huh?
And I have a stellar recipe for fig cake- I got it from a Southern Living recipe book. Mmmmm... love figs, and so do my kids- especially when you relate the Bible stories about them.
May your expansion be blessed!

YankeeQuilter said...

Congrats on the new farm! Your DD sounds great! I have a great date-nut bread recipe that my Aunt gave me. I'll dig it out for you!