Saturday, April 12, 2008

..... we have the technology!!

I am very excited, finally found out how to get a "Title" section for my posts so you can click directly on me in Bloglines without opening a new tab....for those other people who I see having the same trouble it is in the formatting section, you just tick 'yes' instead of 'no' for the title section question. I know, not like solving world famine but was annoying me anyway!

We have been having a few little family sewing sessions to try out the $69 Aldi sewing machine that I bought for my girl to learn on. It goes quite well, just have to remember to pull more thread out the back because it unthreads itself if I just leave a Janome amount.

Here is my boy working on his log cabin chook....a disclaimer here, the kids chose their fabrics and would not be influenced and as I just wanted them to sew I closed my mouth re light and dark!

Isn't some lucky woman going to love me!!! (While his sister watches TV in between sewing turns!) Look, he irons!!

And very intently as well!

It grew very impressively....

....into the brownish one here. The blue is his sisters and they are very proud!

If you haven't seen these before they are in my tutorial links in the sidebar.

And just to show you that my boy's life is suitably rounded, here is where he spent the rest of his holidays!

watching this fun......

and standing waiting longingly with the bike for the time when the flames were receding enough for him to safely join in!! (His mother went through about 4 years of very little sleep with that child-she would prefer he safely reached adulthood!!)

And finally, my sister had this at her house...should it be the quilter's motto?

Have a great day, I am off to the Church Picnic in the morning! Tracey


  1. I love it!!!! All four of my boys learned how to sew and cook. Their wives are ever so appreciative and actually have their own sons (and daughters) doing the same thing. None of the wives had ever sewn before they got married and have thanked me a million times for teaching the boys these traits. I think the males are so intrigued with the machine aspect of sewing.

  2. perfect, some burning off and some ironing and stitching. Can he cook?

  3. Hi Tracey,
    I think he is learning some wonderful skills that will serve him well in life. Good for you for giving him the opportunity to do this!

  4. Gotta love a man who irons, so you're training him well ;-) Your children did a magnificent job.

  5. hey a pic in your header and now are learning something......way to go girl and yes our DIL's will love us making our kids so capable but they still get to do all the really fun farm work........hope the picnic was good.......

  6. What a great deal on the sewing machine! Both your kids did a fantastic job with their chooks!

  7. That sewing machine is mine! 60€ in Lidl. It's done sterling service, but has decided it's had enough of machining denim quilts and being in use every day. I'm now on the look out for another one.

    Congrats on getting the titles sorted and having such a domesticated son. Can I borrow him?

  8. Glad the sewing machine is a goer! Ours is still in the box, may come out one day this week!! Love the chooks , the kids have done a great job on them.

  9. It's so nice to see kids at the sewing machine. I think boys should learn to cook and sew as well as girls. Love the poster. Couldn't agree more!

  10. Great banner and well done on the title problem solving!

    My husband can cook and clean (can't sew, but hey? No one's perfect) and it's wonderful. Good on you for encouraging him. He could be the next Kaffe Fasset! LOL

  11. I would not be a quilter today if not for Hubby teaching me how to use a sewing machine!

  12. I think that's a great quilting motto! I'll have to put that up in my sewing room. :)

    It's great that you're teaching your kids to sew. Wish I'd learned as a child!

  13. I have to admit my DH is the iron-er in our family. Both kids did a great job. Maybe time for a machine for each of them!

  14. I love seeing kids sew. My sons still treats the machine like a race car so he is not yet ready. I love the look of concentration on your sons face.

  15. The kids did a great job with their chooks. Must have a good teacher, I think. What are they going to try next?


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