Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Busy in-and out-of the kitchen

Sitting up waiting for my tomato sauce to simmer and thicken long enough to bottle. Not much action today, just cooking.

I found tomatoes cheap last week so another batch of sauce is on the BBQ. My husband's family refuse to have sauces and chutneys etc cooked inside so they all do it on the BBQ, I personally like the smell, but still I am constantly venturing outside to stir my sauce-go figure! The rules from the MIL overcome the wishes of the wife...sometimes!!
Here it was a few hours ago-proof I have to use the BBQ~~~
Once again apple season here, only feels like yesterday I was overburdened last Autumn, cried out for recipes and the darling Kim's big quilting adventure came up with the Apple cake that nearly lead me to a larger size in pants!! Good though!
Now I am unsure what happened here with the missing section of strudel....
my daughter saw the missing bit and quoted for me,
"hmmm, you are going to say it was rats, cats or mice....otherwise you were testing it to be sure it wasn't poison!" I just smiled and said, "yes, the sacrifices I make for you!!"
It is actually low fat, amazingly enough...(lucky, you say)!
Speaking of fat. This is what remains after I took the big container of leftover Easter eggs out of the cupboard, amazingly, I never ate them neither did their little owners so the family voted that they should be turned into Caramel slice. Good plan, i can freeze that in sections and not just snack on the eggs everytime I need a sugar fix.

The chocolate melted down beautifully and here is a little slab before we decided to share it out for afternoon tea-yummy!

i made some fig jam as well in between stirring and strudel, my friend has a birthday tomorrow and loves it, she is a learner quilter so I made her one of the fabric buckets in her colours with a matching charm square on the jam. I think that could work well for our upcoming School mother's day market. The jam fits perfectly in the fabric bucket.
I'll finish off with one of the stone walls we saw on our way down to the Church picnic. An old volcanic area, they utilized the cheap labour in the early settlement days to make these walls. Most are reinforced with some added wire now to keep the long legged dairy cows in but many still remain in some form. I love them, wish it had been a better light day...and that we weren't running late for the service.....
Well, hopefully the sauce is nearly ready to bottle, i am almost cooked out! Have a great day, Tracey


  1. I used to love looking at the stone walls when I was living in your state! Love the bucket container, very cute.

    I found tomatoes cheap this week too, and will have to think about cooking them up, but I get to cook them inside lol

  2. What lovely photos! Especially like the Caramel Square and your fabric bucket is very cute indeed.

  3. Your house must smell really yummy, not to mention taste!

  4. Looks like home where I grew up ... lots of good food. Love your dishes.

  5. Mmmm, home made goodies! I can smell em from here.

  6. Sounds like you have been busy putting the harvest up. Won't it be welcomed during the colder months ahead?

    The caramel squares look yummy.

    Your friend will enjoy the jam in the bucket container.

  7. OMG yum! What a great idea for leftover Easter eggs (what are they, by the way?)!! LOL

  8. You make me tired just reading this blog! Is there anything you can't do?? I still have a hidden stash of easter eggs which I'm not sharing! but I don't think I could melt them down..... The caramel slice looks yummy! It's also a favorite in our house.

  9. Wish I enjoyed cooking more, but to me it's just a tedious chore. Got your beautiful cards and photos a while bag and haven't posted about them yet, but finally did. I love 'em! Thanks!

  10. What wonderful goodies to come from your kitchens - indoors and out *yum*

  11. I think this is my first stop over on your blog- holy smokes that post makes me hungry!!! Any chance you're posting recipes?? ~jen~

  12. oh my goodness you are soooooo busy busy busy!!! and wonderful stuff too!

  13. You are one serious contender for domestic goddess of the year you know.

  14. here from lazy gal's 2008 group, she recommended a look at your free pieced roses - and they are gorgeous! it took me a moment to realize that you are harvesting (too many tomatoes!?!!) because we are just heading into spring, at last :-)))) your sauce looks great, exactly the plan for the slow cooker today while I am at work.

  15. That jam in a little bucket is just too cute. I love it! You have exhausted me with all that cooking. Your house must smell a treat, even your back yard with that bbq sauce!


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