Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Blissful few days here, so much sewing done. Though yesterday was a little sad, it was 38 degrees celcius and as I economically declined my DH's offer of an air conditioner in my sewing room I was HOT!! Solved the problem though, I just sewed in my bathers and came back over to the pool for hourly breaks, my DH came home and thought that was hilarious, he also mentioned something about 'who would be that silly, when they have air-con in the house!'-Funny thing, given 5 free hours to sew I think I know a few "silly" women!

Had my first play with this little toy,

So unlike me, normally I just cut and sew, but I saw the Triangulations CD rom when I was putting in a Thrifty Needle order and thought it may be good for "proper" things, so i tried it on Clare's leukeumia blocks.

What a handy thing, I will definitely use it again.

You work out what size you want your half or quarter square triangles to be, print off the right sheet, pin it to the 2 fabrics right side together and sew on the dotted lines..heck...even i could do that!!

Then you cut on the straight lines.

Tear off the paper and press, here they are....and here they are in Clare's blocks...with a practise wonky house for Bonnie's housewarming thrown in. It was too hot to turn on the computer and find the instructions so I made it up!
Oops, around the wrong way, but you get the idea!
Finally up to season 5 of Northern Exposure, got a few of these for Christmas, it is my present chosen show for sewing-puts me right into the chilled out happy place. I am thinking I will have to ration it, there is only one season left. Yesterday I finally got to my favourite episode, when Shelly decides it is time to have the baby. I love any stories where we get to see into the future so enjoyed her views of her girl at different life stages, probably why I loved the Time Traveller's wife, and why I watch Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3 every time they come on TV even though I own them! I always said I would have happily stayed pregnant indefinitely...if someone could only show me that the baby came out fine and my worries could go away.
If not enjoying the company of my Chris in the morning and the rest of the cast, I listen to cricket or football or Frank Sinatra as I don't have TV reception in the sewing room. How do you peace and quiet, to a CD or with the TV blaring?
Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Isn't that fabulous, when we get 5 hours ahead for sew, and sew again ? No matter the temperature, it's just great (moreover listening to Frank Sinatra ! :>)

    Those blocks look gorgeous !

    Hugs & smles toyou,

  2. What an amazing tool - quick and easy and no cutting off of points. Those blocks are lovely and I love the wonky house. Are you sending Bonnie any ugly fabrics or crumbs?

  3. Triangulations looks good, I like the blocks.
    I think that you showed great inititive to sew in your togs and pop into the pool, better than no sew! Men just don't get it do they?
    I like to be alone when I sew but need some 'noise' in the background. Preferably a DVD I have seen and I love, so I don't have to concentrate.

  4. Looks like fun. You MUST finish that houndstooth flimsie!

  5. Hi Tracy! Have been reading your blog for a while and love it so I decided to take the plunge and start my own. Thanks for your inspiration. I am also a country quilting mum called Tracy. Your farm photos are great and those quilts!
    Ps Crooked house block is gorgeous.

  6. 38 Celsius -- you must have been melting! We had wind chill values of -22 last night. Talk about extremes. LOL

    Your blocks look great.

  7. I sing and dance as I sew along with the radio.

    Love your triangles. What a fun new toy.

  8. Looks like you had great fun with your triangulations *s*
    I usually have the tv or radio on . . . mostly to have some sounds around the house but nothing in particular to watch - random cooking or home improvement shows seem to work best.

  9. Those papers look like a great idea, going to have to look out for them. I've (finally) found a quilt shop here that carries stuff like that. Love the blocks you made with them too.

  10. Wow, I didn't realize that Northern Exposure went that many seasons!! Time Travellers Wife is one of my favorite all time books!!

  11. I absolutely would have figured out a way to cool off and sewed in my room - probably would have dragged a fan in, or something. Northern Exposure would surely have helped. =)

    If Paul is home, I'm usually sewing either in the quiet or to the sound of shows like Motor Week and New Yankee Workshop, or else something from the History Channel. If I'm by myself, I usually have the radio on - classical, smooth jazz, or country and western, depending on my mood. Sometimes something else, or a music CD.

    I love my Triangulations CD! I bought it when version 2.0 first came out and it's great to have everything I need without having to go to the shop for papers!

  12. I LOVE my triangulations! I use them all the time!


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